POLL: Anal

Nothing springs to mind.

I know this wasn't directed at me, but again - some women like porn and some don't. As to why some of us don't? Have a look around this site. Look at the fact that you asked this question. If you can't tell the difference between what someone is paid to look like she likes and what your wife might actually like - then you have one eensy clue about what is wrong with porn.

Real women are not a series of holes begging to be filled. We aren't happiest being baptized in cum. Some of us don't mind a finger up the butt, but slide anything bigger up there and you will be peeling us off the ceiling. Porn sends you all the wrong messages about us.

Porn is not an instructional DVD. Porn has nothing at all to do with real life. Porn should be animated and put out by Disney's XXX Division.

In my opinion, porn leads to bad sex. Bad relationships between men and women. And since I'm in favour of messy, noisy, all weekend, fuck until you are in a coma sex - I prefer my men on the porn-lite side of life! :biggrin1:

this is post-porn
*self-friskilates to true facts*
I tell her to free her mind and relax her body so that she can enjoy the sensation of a cock sliding in her ass. She said the pain isn't worth it but I think it's because she's too worked up and can't relax. Have you ever wanted to do something to your partner but he wouldn't let you?

Why do you feel the need to dictate and define her experience?

I enjoy anal stimulation. But I have not had penis-in-anus sex and I'm not sure I want to at this time. Maybe down the road, I dunno, but I *definitely* would not enjoy someone telling me "I should just relax and enjoy it." Sounds rapey to me.

It reminds me of when I was younger, and identified as full-on gay, and I had guys telling me that "I just hadn't had the right cock yet."

I wanted to punch them in the nutsack for that.
Generally, I'm a no. But I'm also a 'in-the-moment' type of person. I've had a finger there during sex too and I'm a little torn between whether I like it or not. I know this answer doesn't help much. haha

Although, I did read in a Men's Health article (I believe) that it may be easier for a woman to take anal sex after she has had an orgasm, as her pelvic floor muscles are more relaxed at that point. Maybe that is something you could try?