POLL Professional Divers: who has the biggest cock? (Poll closes January 1, 2024)

Who has the biggest cock?

  • Vladimir Barbu (1998, GB)

  • Stefano Belotti (2004, ITA)

  • Jules Bouyer (2002, FRA))

  • Ruslan Cristofori (1997, ITA)

  • Tom Daley (1994, GB)

  • Anton Knoll (2004, AUT)

  • Alexis Jandard (1997, FRA)

  • Jack Laugher (1995, GB)

  • Chris Mears (1993, GB)

  • Carlos Daniel Ramos Rodríguez (2003, CU)

  • Tommaso Rinaldi (1991, ITA)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Hahahaha... You're right. His not on your level but I know that he likes jerking off at the locker rooms or urinals, and there is proof for that
I have never seen. I've seen photos and videos indoors, like in the shower but at home or in a hotel... in other places I've never seen anything and also the famous 8 contents that he sells seem to me to be the ones that are known...
I have never seen. I've seen photos and videos indoors, like in the shower but at home or in a hotel... in other places I've never seen anything and also the famous 8 contents that he sells seem to me to be the ones that are known...
Vlad is selling an all-in package every now and then with great content. These packages are quite expensive but the content is of great quality. These packages contain what i am talking about.
Well the king of the locker room is a nice title...
However, I am neither gay nor passive. When I go with guys I'm totally active and if I'm here it's because I like seeing guys naked. If I had to choose, I would choose Belotti... but to do something completely different. I would definitely take down his costume to finally see what he looks like ahaha...
True. Belotti's still has the aura of mystery about it. Maybe we are wrong and his aroused potential is beyond incredible. I would just wanna know exactly what we are dealing with.
yeah... I'm curious too as I'm not passive, but I like nudity and it excites me... But if I have to be honest I prefer an athlete who doesn't act like a whore on OF rather than the opposite, even if no one forbids it and no one would say bad of some author shots of Belotti totally naked... he's a nice guy and if I were him I would always be naked (and I already do) and without monetizing...
yeah... I'm curious too as I'm not passive, but I like nudity and it excites me... But if I have to be honest I prefer an athlete who doesn't act like a whore on OF rather than the opposite, even if no one forbids it and no one would say bad of some author shots of Belotti totally naked... he's a nice guy and if I were him I would always be naked (and I already do) and without monetizing...
We all have our preferences. For me, I see a hot guy and I wanna see him fucking naked and NOW!!! XD
Il sondaggio si è concluso.
Hanno votato in 778 utenti di LPSG (contro i 455 del sondaggio dedicato ai ragazzi italiani di OF).
Questo il risultato:
1) Vladimir Barbu con 307 voti è il tuffatore che secondo gli utenti ha il pisello più grosso (e lo sappiamo)
2) ...non lo sappiamo, ma lo immaginiamo, che si difende bene anche Stefano Belotti, secondo classificato con 228 voti
3) Jules Bouyer con 83
4) medaglia di legno per Jack Laughter che batte tutti quelli che hanno un "bulge" evidentemente più grosso del suo (bah... misteri della fede).
Seguono Tom Daley con 32 voti e la "grande" scoperta cubana di Carlos Daniel Ramos Rodriguez con 24 voti.
Si difende Tommaso Rinaldi con 18 voti.
Agli altri le briciole.
Grazie per la partecipazione... :p

The survey has ended.
778 LPSG users voted (compared to 455 in the survey dedicated to Italian OF youth).
This is the result:
1) Vladimir Barbu with 307 votes is the diver who according to users has the biggest dick (and we know it)
2) ...we don't know, but we imagine, that Stefano Belotti also defends himself well, second place with 228 votes
3) Jules Bouyer with 83
4) wooden medal for Jack Laughter who beats all those who have a "bulge" evidently bigger than his (bah... mysteries of faith).
Tom Daley follows with 32 votes and the "great" Cuban discovery of Carlos Daniel Ramos Rodriguez with 24 votes.
Tommaso Rinaldi defends himself with 18 votes.
Crumbs to others.
Thanks for participating... :p
Who has the biggest cock?
Apart two or three divers whose nude photos we saw, of all the others we could only see the bulge...
So, based on what we see, who do you think has the biggest dick?
You can look for their photos in LPSG in the threads dedicated to them or search on the net...
Below you can find them in alphabetical order for a quick reminder ;)
It's just a game...;)
- the divers are all adults
- the divers are listed in alphabetical order
- you can only vote for one diver and only once. Do not mistake!
- Check out the posts below for a quick reminder
- Check their photos carefully in LPSG... you have the right to vote! haha :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Pff most of those guys' dicks have never been seen by the public!! U cannot decide by just watching their bulges... That's rather misleading.
Pff most of those guys' dicks have never been seen by the public!! U cannot decide by just watching their bulges... That's rather misleading.
If you read the text of the poll carefully you would have understood that this is exactly what we were talking about: "who do you think has the biggest dick?". You gave the answer based on what you saw... and Barbu we saw what a dick he has, but even without seeing it he would have won anyway given the bulge he has...