Steve Rambo is alive & well, successfully working in another industry under his real name. He seems to have a slightly complex relationship with his past fame. An IG friend of mine spent the last year celebrating his career weekly thru his IG account. Steve was aware but only chose to give comment once, which was positive & warm. He did however allude to a possible return to "adult" work "on his own terms" which to me said he was contemplating OnlyFans or escort work or both LOL! Only time will tell.
I am somewhat surprised that Steve Rambo landed on his feet,
He was working at an adult video store on Melrose in West Hollywood behind the counter the last time I saw him. It was at the end of his video career.
He was bitter and petulant, but I don’t really expect sunshine and rainbows from the staff in a video store. I was checking out some videos and he accused me of not returning a previous video. I explained that I had returned it, and on what date. He exploded and began screaming at me at the top of his lungs.
I was like, “WTF, dude?”
He then came from behind the counter and tried to physically attack me. I was 5’9” 240 pounds with 10 percent body fat at the time…and could have annihilated him…but got out of there because I didn’t want to deal with the police.
I called the store the next day and spoke with the manager. He told me he would review the video footage.
The manager called me a day later and told me that he saw everything that Steve did and that I tried to de-escalate, and that I left quickly,
Even though I was not looking for any compensation….I only wanted to let them know what happened…the manager gave me at least a dozen free rentals. I never saw “Steve Rambo“ working there again.
There was something seriously wrong with that dude. Whether it was psychological or drug-induced, I don't know.
I got fucked by one of his scene partners about a month later, and he told me that he wasn’t shocked by what I was telling him about what Steve had done,
He‘s got to be in his early to mid 60s now. I hope he got the help he needed.