I've been researching Hayden.I’m intrigued by your muted viewing, first of all. But, back to the names, I just looked in my SC folder and Hayden Clark was in parentheses after Brad. I’ll have to look and make sure. I used to be into Chase Young just because of his GuysInSweatpants scene with Austin. So, in turn I liked his Helix scene with Hayden Clark but didn’t make the connection until now. I agree he was hotter as the older guy! Off to ponder about muting my pornos.
Members in this thread were asking in 2022 and no one answered.
But I did find there is conflicting information about his Sean Cody alias and he may, indeed, be Brad - not Mitchell.
In this case, can you check your SC folder and see if you have his solo there? I've been searching for his solo separately to no avail.
Thanks in advance.