Porn Stars Where Are They Now

...y'know, It's time to ask this, to all the AMIGOS in the thread:cool:....looking back at Anthony Romero, I remembered that his close -shaven 'Latino buzzcut' haircut didn't fit his frame, but he reminded me of someone who DID....DOMINIC SOL!

.... I always wanted to get it on with a Latino Guy, but I thought I couldn't stand a chance:pensive:.....but when Dominic got that buzzcut hairstyle for the (stupidly named) flick, "Trouser Trouts", I went fukkin' INSANE for him!!!
" :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p "

....His scene with Tyler Saint ALWAYS sends me; Tyler was fuckin' POUNDING Dominic, and his horny, submissive moans were non-Stop!! ....after that, I was gone, gone GONE for those buzzcut-chinstrapped Latino Guys......and there's a LOTTA 'em!

...So, WHAT the hell is the name of that Haircut!? ...I think I know a Dude who should....ummm....get it....:imp: .......Dominic got rid of it,, got juicier & HOTTER!!....Baby, now I want you BACK.......:sob::broken_heart: ...
By far one of my favorite bottom porn stars of all time.

You can really tell how good a guy is in bed by the way he sucks cock - Dominic Sol is a master. Something extra submissive and passionate in his energy yet firm in his masculinity with this performer.

No whiney femmy bottom nonsense with D Sol - how this became to acceptable especially in pornography blows my mind - what happened to the fantasy and real urge to have a MAN- A jock- a straight guy submitting to us. If we dont want that might as well be staight.

No clue what all his 'condom only' porns entailed. His bareback flicks were where he shined.
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By far one of my favorite bottom porn stars of all time.....You can really tell how good a guy is in bed by the way he sucks cock - Dominic Sol is a master. Something extra submissive and passionate in his energy (yet firm in his masculinity) with this performer.... His bareback flicks were where he shined.
....You ain't KIDDIN'! :p :p :p :p :p

...Dominic's EYES got me to REALLY see when someone who is getting plugged in the Ass good......he looks at you with this....I dunno...."helpless connectivity"; he's Masculine, but he's YOURS, at that moment.....:weary_face:

....any Top knows when you're 'swirlin' around' a sweet ASS, and the bottom you...and, is FINE with you, inside're doin' a GOOD JOB......:imp::bomb::broken_heart:;)
So can someone answer where Joe parker is? What's he doing? Does he have socials? What's his real name.

Such a shame he's not doing porn he's my crush I love an older guy with that kinda look I wish I could see him again
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....You ain't KIDDIN'! :p :p :p :p :p

...Dominic's EYES got me to REALLY see when someone who is getting plugged in the Ass good......he looks at you with this....I dunno...."helpless connectivity"; he's Masculine, but he's YOURS, at that moment.....:weary_face:

....any Top knows when you're 'swirlin' around' a sweet ASS, and the bottom you...and, is FINE with you, inside're doin' a GOOD JOB......:imp::bomb::broken_heart:;)
Oh you NAILED it.

Dominic's Helpless connective masculinity 'giving' his ass away for free without anything in return and will not be able to sleep at night worried he couldn't get you to a bust. But not in a whiney femmy modern annoying thirsty twink bottom way. Not to mention how BREATHTAKING Dominic was in his prime - that Latin white mixed look. Milky skin, juicy pair of muscle tits, built perfectly. Sort of shy. UGH I need him!!! We are in a drought without him - its unfortunate it took him so long to do BB porn - the condom stuff sucks not only bc of the rubber itself but its so fake and controlled.

I miss this BB Dominic era so much. So over the crap I see on the screen- plus is it just me or are 85-90% bottoms ugly asb now- its like no one is vetted before they go on camera - its incredibly worrisome. That butt ugly Treasure island media vibe is now so mainstream (minus Dawson, Jon Phelps, & Tommy Haine - the only beautiful bottoms on TIM) The most average looking dudes you find on the metro transit bus being the star in a gang bang. Like stop the insanity - this is POR-NO-GRA-PHY. This is supposed to be a fantasy...
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Oh you NAILED it.

Dominic's Helpless connective masculinity 'giving' his ass away for free without anything in return and Not to mention how BREATHTAKING Dominic was in his prime - that Latin white mixed look. Milky skin, juicy pair of muscle tits, built perfectly. Sort of shy. UGH I need him.....

...Oh, I NEED to 'Nail' it! :imp::imp::imp::imp:...ha-HAAA!!

...AND, I'm a NYC Brooklynite, do you know how MANY buzz-cutted, milky-White skinned, goateed, round eyed, pouty-lipped, juicy-ASSED, big-tittied, tattooed, sorta-shy Latino Boys ARE, around here!???
...I can't BREATHE! " :confounded: " ..ha-HAA!

...Dominic (& that damn buzzcut / studded earring combo he had) RUINED me on those bitches! :sob::broken_heart:..ha-HAAA!! ...but, as you said, It's FANTASY, and I'm aware that he 'filled' it, for us.....

....and, Thank GOD Tyler Saint 'filled' up Dominic's ASS (in "Trouser Trout"), and created MAGIC I KNOW when a bottom LIKES what he's gettin' ... :imp: ....

.....the EYES, say it ALL....:eyes: ...;)....
