Superior Member
Yes, exactly....a lot of women get off watching gay pornography, male on male. And I mean A LOT.Porn is just one component of the vicious cycle that suppresses the normalcy of male bisexuality.
All our major religious institutions squash it, most all societies do, so what the porn industry does is an offshoot of those institutions to keep with the 'norm' that male bisexuality is abnormal. Because the film entertainment industry (porn, theatrical, and television) is male dominated and because so many straight males are agog for female bisexuality (they realize a pure lesbian couple wouldn't let them into a 3-way so they project bisexuality onto the women) there are LOT of MFF 3-way scenes in the three medias that are depicted as 'normal' And the straight male side of me still appreciates when two women make out with each other.
But I had no idea until recently that there are quite a few women, straight or bi, who get hot watching two guys make out. Most likely there are an equal number of women who enjoy this as much as men who like to watch the women making out with each other. But no one wants to admit it publicly. So it remains squashed.
So when a guy gets married, and then 10 years later realizes he's bi he has a choice: tell his wife or hook up with other guys on the down-low and not tell her. Either choice could be disastrous for him: If his insecure wife gets angry that she's not the "only one" in his life she immediately boots him out and gets a divorce. If he doesn't tell her and she finds out through the STD's he brings home, he gets the same result. In either case not only the divorce can ruin his life but also his career because society doesn't approve of bi guys. So now he's broke, alone, and homeless. So it's no wonder bi guys don't tell their women. But because the breakup is so awful, it just propagates society's negative stereotype of bi guys that somehow automatically cheat on their wives that when our poor schnook goes out into the world to date again he tells any potential spouse that he's bi and she automatically rejects him for being bi. So he finds a woman and doesn't tell her. And as the song goes, "you go back, Jack, and do it again" and keep the vicious cycle going.
As an aside to bi porn that feature MMF, just about every porn movie I've seen only shows male-male anal or some variant of it and never just shows PIV or DVP bi-sex activities. Both are valid forms of bisexuality, by the way (IMHO). Also, most porn just shows sex and doesn't portray excitement or spark, say when the solo woman watches her two guys making out and she gets soaking wet from excitement. I miss that spark because in real life I personally need a spark of female heat for me to enjoy interactions with another guy (yeah, I'm weird that way. I get no M-M time unless there's an F there and getting hot.)
But I agree with your assessment, male bisexuality is not represented accurately in porn, movies, or TV in a manner to accurately express its legitimacy.
Especially the first time my partner and I went with another couple that goes AC/DC. My partner told me that she got off watching me going at it with another guy...describing it as being raw and crude in an erotic way. And it was hot watching her go with the other gal. But that is not the kind of sex that you typically see in a mainstream porn flick.
So if we were to film our BBgg session, would that be a good seller? I'm not so sure....