Pornography says - bisexual girls are normal, bisexual guys are not!

Porn is just one component of the vicious cycle that suppresses the normalcy of male bisexuality.

All our major religious institutions squash it, most all societies do, so what the porn industry does is an offshoot of those institutions to keep with the 'norm' that male bisexuality is abnormal. Because the film entertainment industry (porn, theatrical, and television) is male dominated and because so many straight males are agog for female bisexuality (they realize a pure lesbian couple wouldn't let them into a 3-way so they project bisexuality onto the women) there are LOT of MFF 3-way scenes in the three medias that are depicted as 'normal' And the straight male side of me still appreciates when two women make out with each other.

But I had no idea until recently that there are quite a few women, straight or bi, who get hot watching two guys make out. Most likely there are an equal number of women who enjoy this as much as men who like to watch the women making out with each other. But no one wants to admit it publicly. So it remains squashed.

So when a guy gets married, and then 10 years later realizes he's bi he has a choice: tell his wife or hook up with other guys on the down-low and not tell her. Either choice could be disastrous for him: If his insecure wife gets angry that she's not the "only one" in his life she immediately boots him out and gets a divorce. If he doesn't tell her and she finds out through the STD's he brings home, he gets the same result. In either case not only the divorce can ruin his life but also his career because society doesn't approve of bi guys. So now he's broke, alone, and homeless. So it's no wonder bi guys don't tell their women. But because the breakup is so awful, it just propagates society's negative stereotype of bi guys that somehow automatically cheat on their wives that when our poor schnook goes out into the world to date again he tells any potential spouse that he's bi and she automatically rejects him for being bi. So he finds a woman and doesn't tell her. And as the song goes, "you go back, Jack, and do it again" and keep the vicious cycle going.

As an aside to bi porn that feature MMF, just about every porn movie I've seen only shows male-male anal or some variant of it and never just shows PIV or DVP bi-sex activities. Both are valid forms of bisexuality, by the way (IMHO). Also, most porn just shows sex and doesn't portray excitement or spark, say when the solo woman watches her two guys making out and she gets soaking wet from excitement. I miss that spark because in real life I personally need a spark of female heat for me to enjoy interactions with another guy (yeah, I'm weird that way. I get no M-M time unless there's an F there and getting hot.)

But I agree with your assessment, male bisexuality is not represented accurately in porn, movies, or TV in a manner to accurately express its legitimacy.
Yes, exactly....a lot of women get off watching gay pornography, male on male. And I mean A LOT.

Especially the first time my partner and I went with another couple that goes AC/DC. My partner told me that she got off watching me going at it with another guy...describing it as being raw and crude in an erotic way. And it was hot watching her go with the other gal. But that is not the kind of sex that you typically see in a mainstream porn flick.

So if we were to film our BBgg session, would that be a good seller? I'm not so sure....
That's my point, porn has essentially liberated bisexual women, when people watch porn and see bisexual girls in it but don't see bisexual men it automatically makes male bisexuality abnormal.
Bisexual women tend to be more trust worthy with their partners than bisexual men. That's been discussed here before with stats posted by a couple of the ladies. Also the terms change. Some here ask questions about being "straight" but interested in "gay sex". I would not fret too much about the semantics of it all. Sexual desires can be fluid. And with online access... More of us are enjoying this.
OP has a wildly skewed vision of how much of an impact porn has on society.
Kinda with you here. I'd even add that I think the youth of today are having WAY less sex than in my younger formative years before there was the internet. I think it's actually contributed to less actual sex. That's the vibe I get anyway from my interactions with younger people when the subject comes up. That said, I think they are way more tolerant of both mm and ff sex than back in the late 70's when I was starting out.
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Bisexual and homosexual sex will never be considered normal.. even though if you look and google homosexuality back in the day of the Roman’s and Vikings and others .. gay sex was more common then
I agree, while the wife and I were traveling in Italy and Greece it was very apparent how much gay sex played a role in many of the great mens lives... It was a turn on to just explore more and very open about the history. I was hooked and to this day I enjoy reading and exploring all the sexual habits in Roman times.
Pornography says that?? But the porn industry makes millions off of bisexual porn and gay porn…

Saw online over a year ago where gay/bi sex took in over 58 percent of the revenue
Yes, exactly....a lot of women get off watching gay pornography, male on male. And I mean A LOT
That's kind of a red herring, because a lot of women get off on watching a lot of things, not restricted by gender ,sexuality, or even species, while still wanting no parts of whatever they see IRL.
I understand that men in the LGBT spectrum like to socially align and ideologically caucus with straight women; perhaps because they observe them to be more accommodating or welcoming....but it doesn't change the fact that no force has had such a deleterious effect upon men being openly bisexual or bicurious, than that of the average straight woman's sexual selectivity; just because women masturbatorily get off so readily on the idea of image of male homo and bi eroticism, doesn't in any way translate to their real world desire to be a part of male non heterosexualality, or to have/maintain genuine desire for a less than heterosexual man.
If there is a desire for male bisexuality to have the same societal acceptance as female bisexuality, the the onus for change lies in similarly aligning the desires of the opposite sex not just in theory, but in actual practice. When the average man coming out as bisexual has little to no effect upon his actually acted upon sexual desirability amongst straight women; a parallel of the average straight man's perspective towards bisexual women, is when this changes, everything else about society and religion is moot.
I think one of the craziest things I ever done was when friend wanted to have sex with me.. but he wanted to screw me and me to screw him.. I was like —ok— so we were at his place and we were doing it and there we were in doggy style me fucking him and he’s moaning and expressing how much it hurt g him but once he got used to it and a lot of lube later.. he began to enjoy it ..

It was then I noticed someone in the room with us.. turned out it was his girlfriend and she had told him she thought it would be hot to see her boyfriend get fucked .. so as I continued she watched as I pulled out and covered his back with load after load of cum.. …

I do think women tend to be more open to things.. like this.. they want the man to see what it’s like to be fucked ..

I’ve had couple friends lose their wives /girlfriend because they wouldn’t do it.. kind of silly I guess but we all have things that turn us all on that doesn’t turn anyone else on..

If we all were into same thing think about how boring life would be
I do think women tend to be more open to things.. like this.. they want the man to see what it’s like to be fucked ..

I’ve had couple friends lose their wives /girlfriend because they wouldn’t do it.
Wait... What? You're saying they lost their wives/gf because they wouldn't have sex with another guy in front of them..? This would be the rarest thing on sexual earth in my experience. I think you're reading too much into what's shown on porn. I've been around the block several times... And have never met a woman that wanted to see her male partner with another guy. But maybe that's just me.
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Buddy did I say I saw it in porn… no no no I said I knew few friends

Just because you never heard of it or whatever doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen
Bisexual women tend to be more trust worthy with their partners than bisexual men.
This is a chicken or the egg problem in my experience or better put it's a vicious cycle that has only just began to be broken with more acceptance. Since it's just widely more accepted to be a bisexual woman and since a lot of men openly admit to thinking that it's hot, bi women are way way more likely to discuss their curiosity with their partners. On top of that Women are just much less likely to cheat in general.
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And have never met a woman that wanted to see her male partner with another guy. But maybe that's just me.
I would say that is just you tbh, although I've never heard of someone being dumped because they wouldn't, that's an odd one and kinda a shitty thing to do to your partner.

Women have gotten a lot more comfortable with discussing enjoying gay porn and so these kind of things have become normalized.

Because I am a uh "talented" black guy I get tons, like way too many requests from "straight" guys who want me to fuck their wives while they watch. I have received a not insignificant number of the same request from married women. It's probably 25-1 men requesting to women, given I talk to far far more men and men are way more forward I think it's a fair to say it's a "thing"
This is a chicken or the egg problem in my experience or better put it's a vicious cycle that has only just began to be broken with more acceptance. Since it's just widely more accepted to be a bisexual woman and since a lot of men openly admit to thinking that it's hot, bi women are way way more likely to discuss their curiosity with their partners. On top of that Women are just much less likely to cheat in general.
Also quite a few heterosexual men do not inherently see a woman sexually engaging with another woman as cheating.
I also think this ideation that women are much less likely to cheat is just a really good PR campaign to cover up women's heightened ability, motivations, and propensity for cheating, not to mention the behavioral and psychological machinations often put in place to downplay their cheating in ways they would most definitely perceive as cheating if the genders were reversed. That's not even getting into media, in which in most forms, the most prominent and popular hierarchies of romantic storytelling typically involve the positive consequences of cheating on a long term male partner, with a "better" suitor.
Ultimately though, I think it is the probable consequences of cheating that somewhat prove women are more prone to engage in the behavior.
Sorry for the triple post, it was all originally one lone comment and even I couldn't follow along.

While I don't agree with all of his conclusions I think a lot of what OP was getting at has some truth to it. Media and culture influence each other constantly like and endless feedback loop, life imitates art imitates life and on and on. So no porn didn't invent Bi panic if you will, but it did respond to that stigma accordingly. And porn absolutely shapes what people view as "normal", especially younger viewers. Idk how you disagree with that while actively posting on the Large Penis Support Group porn forum lol. I think where OP is losing people is that he's being a little too absolute with his thoughts.

Yes I believe porn has affected the perception of bi men negatively No I don't think Porn is part of a major conscious conspiracy to keep bi men down, nor should it really be blamed for the way it mirrored public sentiment over time. What I'm pretty surprised I haven't seen mentioned is how much that perception has changed in both the last 10 years and 5 years and the reflection of that can be seen in porn.

Bi mmf has gone from being categorized as fetish content to being it's own major player in the industry. It is being produced by major studios at a high rate where as it as basically non existent, and yes as others have mentioned Bi male porn has always existed, I would argue as someone who used to seek it out it sure was terrible most of the time. I used to get excited if I found a scene where 2 of 3 people were passable, things used to be grim lol. Now with both OF and more professional studios there's way more porn than anyone can consume.

I haven't thought about it often but I don't think Corbin Fisher gets enough credit for consistently putting out quality (starring attractive people at a minimum) bi mmf porn in 2005 when no one else was doing it. and being basically the only player in the online bi male space for a over a decade.

There are male porn stars that actively engage in gay porn, bi porn and straight porn under the same name when 10-15 years ago that was career suicide for men. It used to just be an open secret that we knew most of these guys had to do gay 4 pay to break into the industry and that they would never speak of that again.

Perceptions are changing, rapidly for the better, this thread shouldn't read so negatively in my opinion. We are in the Bi Guy Renaissance imo,
I think it is the probable consequences of cheating that somewhat prove women are more prone to engage in the behavior.
I wasn't making a value judgment there to be clear there, I was just pointing out how colossally different the being a bicurious married man and married woman are. Bisexual men have much worse reputation of infidelity than bi women but they are not nearly playing the same game. On top of like you mentioned men and women cheat in very different ways, men are more likely to go fuck someone random and might do that often, where as a woman might just start a whole new relationship.

That said based on decades of continual research men are still over 50% as likely to cheat on their partners than women are. Women have significantly closed the gap in the last 50 years, probably due to more social mobility but it remains. Notably adult women under 30 are slightly more likely to cheat, but that is the only age group where they "won" and the gap just grows larger and larger with age.
I think we worry too much about what media and culture and let that influence how we think..

With me media is form of entertainment unless it’s news.. which I never watch .. and culture is a mixed bag as there are so many people out there gay straight bi and so on .. we try to see where we stand in this culture

Instead we need to be just ourselves and don’t think my preferences are all that matters.. we all are different in way we think and that should never change..
Just be yourself and be happy
Buddy did I say I saw it in porn… no no no I said I knew few friends

Just because you never heard of it or whatever doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen
That's fine. But since we are in the "Women's issues" area... I would be VERY surprised to see even one of the ladies here see this scenario in their past. Sure it may happen... But it would be VERY rare I would think (based on my life experience). So to have "a couple buddies" go thru this very surprising to me.
That's fine. But since we are in the "Women's issues" area... I would be VERY surprised to see even one of the ladies here see this scenario in their past. Sure it may happen... But it would be VERY rare I would think (based on my life experience). So to have "a couple buddies" go thru this very surprising to me.
Ummmm this is bisexual category it says ask a bisexual man.. at top of screen so maybe you are in the wrong topic
Ummmm this is bisexual category it says ask a bisexual man.. at top of screen so maybe you are in the wrong topic
Lol a poignant Freudian slip if there ever was one. Lends, further credence to my theory that pornography has little to do with the normalization of bisexuality, and is actually more of reflection of desire/aversion either gender generally has for the opposites' bi eroticism
That said based on decades of continual research men are still over 50% as likely to cheat on their partners than women are. Women have significantly closed the gap in the last 50 years, probably due to more social mobility but it remains. Notably adult women under 30 are slightly more likely to cheat, but that is the only age group where they "won" and the gap just grows larger and larger with age.
I think the consequential variables inherent specifically to female infidelity are overlooked and underemphasized in these studies. I think it follows the same conventional ideations humanity has held for millennia when it comes to the inherent moral superiority of women, not dissimilar from the stats that put men as more violent than women for centuries, only to find out in recent years it is actually women more likely to be violent, or to engage in unprovoked violence, whereas men simply have more destructive capacity in the lessened instances of violence they commit.
Ultimately I think the stigma against bi men is no different, that it's not an instance of bisexual men being more likely to cheat, but that like most men of any sexuality, the individuals that actually can cheat are much more likely to be found out than their female counterpart, because unlike women, infidelity, or rather the ability to freely engage in infidelity(if they so choose) is actually considered somewhat of a virtue amongst those whom desire men.