Photo Post Hot Cut Cock Pics

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Here's a short list of dick-centric threads at LPSG. I don't cross post, so each should be unique content:

:emoji_eggplant: Big and uncut
For spectacular uncircumcised dicks

:emoji_eggplant: Hot cut cock pics
For phenomenal circumcised dicks

:emoji_eggplant: Urethras, piss slits and cum holes
A thread focused on the male meatus, the beauty of the dick hole

:emoji_eggplant: Hairy cocks
A thread for when I think the magnificence of a penis is its hairiness

:emoji_eggplant: Unique dick pics
Penises with unique features or beautiful deformities

:emoji_eggplant: Lighter-skinned guys with darker-shade cocks
For that exciting shade contrast between body and genitals

:emoji_eggplant: Cocks viewed from below
Towering dicks, men looking down at the camera
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