Back in the late-90s there were some videos produced by a couple of (supposedly) second cousins who were in a relationship together. It was Two Good Boys, or something like that. The videos were pretty hot. I used to have some old VHS tapes I’d ordered from them, but they’ve long since disappeared. I’d love to find them online, if anyone knows where.
I’d also love to find some videos of a model known simply as “Billy” from the early-2000s. His most famous video that made the rounds featured him wearing a baseball cap while jerking off sitting on a toilet. He had a beautiful face and sandy blonde hair. I wish I could remember the site he was on, but I cannot. Could possibly be Bedfellow? He did a couple other jerk off videos too. There were also videos of him and his “girlfriend”.
Lastly, wondering if anyone remembers the old MaleWebCams site (late-90s) that featured solo models who had “life cams” where they’d chat with members and jerked off quite a bit. Each model had their own website, such as,,, etc. There was a model from Canada named Cameron who was absolutely adorable.
Thanks for any info anyone can provide!