President nelson mormonboyz

any link to that page? or a screenshot as proof?
I used to have access there, I would need to pay another 30$ to access that page, that is basically amateur bonus porn in Male Spectrum where their many performers do straight scenes, I spotted Brother Tanner there but was not able to spot him again there due to the porn in that amateur bonus porn being random and it would be excruciating to find it again even though.

This site is dead already and there are no new updates.
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I used to have access there, I would need to pay another 30$ to access that page, that is basically amateur bonus porn in Male Spectrum where their many performers do straight scenes, I spotted Brother Tanner there but was not able to spot him again there due to the porn in that amateur bonus porn being random and it would be excruciating to find it again even though.

This site is dead already and there are no new updates.
I think this is funny. the site is a gay porn site. did he do a gay porn?
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I think this is funny. the site is a gay porn site. did he do a gay porn?
To be exact it is in a bonus porn section in MaleSpectrumPass, the bonus porn section is where in some of its performers do straight porn, MaleSpectrumPass is another website of MaleSpectrum, I would say yes if Pres. Nelson and Brother Tanner are indeed one and the same which I consider a possibility.
To be exact it is in a bonus porn section in MaleSpectrumPass, the bonus porn section is where in some of its performers do straight porn, MaleSpectrumPass is another website of MaleSpectrum, I would say yes if Pres. Nelson and Brother Tanner are indeed one and the same which I consider a possibility.
come on, they are definitely not the same person. Look at their ass and press nelson is definitely older.
come on, they are definitely not the same person. Look at their ass and press nelson is definitely older.

I think we cannot be really certain even if there are episodes that they do look completely different since there is even evidence that Pres. Nelson's black hair and appearance is not even his natural appearance(i.e. he dyes his hair) and there are times that the two do look quite identical and the fact that they appear on the same company(ies) but on different sections.

I think one of them might appear on one of the Missionary Boys or YesFather in the future.
An issue here in Missionary Boys is the disappearance of some of the elders such as Elder Inaki, Elder Dial and Elder Argos when Pres. Napoli and Bishop Davies are introduced, perhaps there is someone that they would (re)introduce and put in the spotlight after Pres. Napoli and Bishop Davies lose the spotlight that they delayed the release of their further episodes and recently the two who we thought have retired, Brandon Moore and Braxton Ryan reappeared on Yesfather.
I think it is irrelevant whether he is brother tanner or I don't care.

Recently, Brandon Moore (Alex of Growl Boys) reappeared as Father Fiore is a Charged Media exclusive and work in Charged Media himself like Pres. Nelson and Pres. Oaks.

I think the main reason and the obvious reason why the only episode in Growl Boys Stray that has been uploaded of President Nelson has either his face obscured and has his eyes closed(or initially edited that way) which make him hard to identify at first glance is that his Post-Split episodes in Missionary Boys, Family Dick (and likely YesFather) are yet to be uploaded and just like Pres. Oaks in his post-split eps, he will likely look different as well but it is more likely that will also be the case in his inter-split episodes that are filmed in 2018/2019, I think the same is the case for Eddie Raccoon who is likely one of the priests in YesFather, none of the episodes that reveal his face is uploaded because his eps in YesFather is yet to be uploaded.

Professor Houssman Satyr aka Brother Johnson is retired so his full appearance was already shown in his appearance in Growlboys but it is not the case for the main characters/heroes of Growl Boys but the obscuring applied for the daddies aka the satyrs and the Growlboys which are exclusive to Charged Media, I think the limitations of the eps that are going to be uploaded after the split and when they are going to be uploaded was already negotiated on the split with Charged Media.
I think Brother Tanner and President Nelson have likely had some relations(relative I think) and I think Jessie Zepellin(the new guy in family dick who is likely exclusive as well) is the best top/partner for President Nelson...Oaks/Tanner and Zepellin/Nelson

I think Jessie Zepellin(the new guy in family dick who is likely exclusive as well) is the best top/partner for President Nelson...
Turned out to be false but Le Grand Wolf is preparing for competition and become buffed...and it is possible that President Nelson has already changed appearance on one of the new websites (Possibly resembling Brother Tanner and Reese Rideout) and that is what Le Grand Wolf might be competing with.

President Nelson also resembles Anthony Scott who played the Priest in he could pull that look in YesFather.
anyone can post new vids of pres nelson?
As far as I know, there are none as of yet, the never before seen footage of him in Growl Boys has already been posted in this thread.

There is a possibility that his return will be ambiguous like that of Father Gallo and Father Fiore but his possible new scenes in Missionary Boys will remain the same.
I think Brother Tanner and President Nelson have likely had some relations(relative I think) and I think Jessie Zepellin(the new guy in family dick who is likely exclusive as well) is the best top/partner for President Nelson...Oaks/Tanner and Zepellin/Nelson

any videos of him on this site??
Joe - Jake Cruise with Leo Giamani, Zeb Atlas and more
Internet Adult Film Database

So apparently, President Nelson of Mormon Boyz did a scene in Jake Cruise as Charged Media and Carnal Media has is connected with Badpuppy and Jake Cruise.

So that is why we have Models connected with Charged Media and Carnal Media doing scenes in Badpuppy because President Nelson and Le Grand Wolf are connected with Jake Cruise...and some of the old models that appeared in Jake Cruise like Bo Dean and TJ Cummings are in the SayUncle cams.
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Joe - Jake Cruise with Leo Giamani, Zeb Atlas and more
Internet Adult Film Database

So apparently, President Nelson of Mormon Boyz did a scene in Jake Cruise as Charged Media and Carnal Media has is connected with Badpuppy and Jake Cruise.

So that is why we have Models connected with Charged Media and Carnal Media doing scenes in Badpuppy because President Nelson and Le Grand Wolf are connected with Jake Cruise...and some of the old models that appeared in Jake Cruise like Bo Dean and TJ Cummings are in the SayUncle cams.

I meant to say "so Charged Media and Carnal Media is connected with BadPuppy and Jake Cruise"...

I kind of guessed this already due to Charged Media's and Gunzblazing's models appearing in Badpuppy.
I meant to say "so Charged Media and Carnal Media is connected with BadPuppy and Jake Cruise"...

I kind of guessed this already due to Charged Media's and Gunzblazing's models appearing in Badpuppy.
Do you have link where can we watch his vids?