Video Primallfitness nudes!!

I remember him being very depressed after they broke up which is sad because this girl is a total loser.
Yeah, I remember hearing that too. Crazy part is dude just DOES NOT look happy AT ALL!
Every photo and some videos I've seen, he just seems disinterested. That's why I always called him Castro 2.0. Big dick, nice body...NO fuckin personality AT ALL!
He needs to call it a day and stick with his day job...if he got one. A dude like this could make a killin in the industry. He just needs a personality.
Thanks! Looks low budget, though. And I didn't see the dick but the ass is delicious.

btw I don't understand why women have such weird reactions to dicks even when they attend literal dick shows. I know it's a movie but I've seen real life male stripper footage with half the female audience looking embarassed or disgusted making me wonder how can a normal human being be anything else but HORNY watching these hunks.
Apparently he’s on a reality show on Tubi about male strippers hosted by Mama Dee.
Seriously, the dude isn't bad looking, has a nice body, and a HUGE dick. He should be making a KILLING in the industry. If he's not happy doing what he's doing...he needs to get out. It will only get worse and wear on him more (especially mentally). But if you're going to be in that type of lifestyle, you gotta go all out and show that you like what you're doing. He's a triple threat, but he's not cashing in. That's sad.
Seriously, the dude isn't bad looking, has a nice body, and a HUGE dick. He should be making a KILLING in the industry. If he's not happy doing what he's doing...he needs to get out. It will only get worse and wear on him more (especially mentally). But if you're going to be in that type of lifestyle, you gotta go all out and show that you like what you're doing. He's a triple threat, but he's not cashing in. That's sad.
Yeah I believe the judges saw that he wasn’t happy either. He put on a good act, but you could tell he was nervous and he got eliminated after episode 3 because his wasn’t giving it his all.
On the second episode, right before his performance, he mentioned how he got into stripping after a few years ago right after the gym he was working at went out of business. He said he made 80k a year and sex work was his way of maintaining his lifestyle.
Yeah I believe the judges saw that he wasn’t happy either. He put on a good act, but you could tell he was nervous and he got eliminated after episode 3 because his wasn’t giving it his all.
On the second episode, right before his performance, he mentioned how he got into stripping after a few years ago right after the gym he was working at went out of business. He said he made 80k a year and sex work was his way of maintaining his lifestyle.
Yeah...his face says it all, even in his modeling pics! Just not there.
I could see that, using sex work to supplement the lifestyle...but if you gonna go into it, you have to give it your all. If you say the judges saw through it, imagine what his clients get...or don't get in this case.
He could be making a killing, but if this isn't what he wants to do...he needs to find SOMETHING that makes him happy/smile.