Prince Harry

It's a family dispute between the royals and I will never understand the public's obsession with taking sides and defending such an institution and throwing around all this pettiness. I will say this on it, in what reality is the royal family full of good, kind, relatable people who need or are worth defending? What do you all get by coming to their defence? Is it hard to believe that a thousand year old regal dynasty ruling by divine right on stolen land and wealth, is absolutely riddled with toxicity? Not even 100th of vitriol has been thrown at the p**do (and the 12 mil the queen paid to silence his accuser) by the public or the press. It's 2023, snap out of it ffs. It's embarrassing
Personally, I’m glad that in America we do t have this royal mess. We have other issues, but we don’t have those issues. And “adoring” people for their “royalty” is certainly a pre-modern phenomenon, since those people just take and rarely give back anything tangibly valuable.