Prince Harry

WTF you talking about. :joy: There are actually pictures showing the dicks, and you think it's bigger because clothes make it look so? My God some people have a weird sense of reality. You can't will things into existence just because you wish it so, no matter what Oprah told you. :sob:
Well, the pictures are out there and all the men in this whole family, going way back, have big dicks.
Not sure if you've seen the news, but it was a court case against a newspaper group to do with phone hacking and invasion of privacy.
Most royal family news don't reach where I live, so I am almost always out of the loop.
From what it sounds like the offenders was the newsgroup, not the crown. I looked at an article and it said that Harry also battles the media but that is a battle that I haven't heard of, so I have no idea what it is about and how it is related to The Crown v. Harry and Magen affair.
When it comes to paparazzi I feel bad for Harry. Considering what happened to his mother, I would assume it will awake some traumas.
Not sure if you've seen the news, but it was a court case against a newspaper group to do with phone hacking and invasion of privacy.
Prince William and Harry started the court case against the phone hacking together. Harry left to start is own court case as it was taking to long meanwhile William finished and won his case in 2020 as Harry's just has. It happened more times to William, Kate than it did to Harry. William donated his winning settlement to Harry's charity and charities close to his mother Diana. The paparazzi has took private intimate photos of Kate on holiday plastered all over the media which William, Kate later sued. Meghan had to use paparazzi footage of Kate and Diana getting harassed and followed in their Netflix trailer as it's zero footage of it ever happening to Meghan. ALL the women that marry into the family didn't get UK tax paid security before they got married. u guys are brainwashed to think it only happens to Meghan