If you keep asking then it might be a better use of your time to actually make them while you are watching him.CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT WITH SOME CAPS OF DIEGO SCHWARTZMAN ASS! PLEASE I KNOW I KEEP ASKING BUT GUYS HE WAS PLAYING TODAY AT WIMBLEDON AND IT WAS SO DELICIOUS
Can someone please give this poor guy a nice haircut and more importantly a nice facial trim? He is so beautiful, yet looks so weird. Ugh..
here are some from his match on tuesday
If you keep asking then it might be a better use of your time to actually make them while you are watching him.
are you not a mac user? unless its coz you're outside uk. i can screenshot fine on iplayerIt doesn't let you screenshot on the iPlayer or if I asked for Stefanos or Nadal there'd be loads of pics
are you not a mac user? unless its coz you're outside uk. i can screenshot fine on iplayer
That would be a perfect a team-up.
Haha. You beat me to it.
Yes.That could a perfect a team-up.