Problematic Crush?

Why OP? lol. From my knowledge he's shockingly kinda homophobic and was never comfortable around gay men and he's never publicly done any gay porn work unlike the quite other several guys in Straight porn have, (well I guess now I get it, and I get the assignment of the topic I assume now lol. Even though real talk, he always seemed a little Zesty/sus to me, and I'm sure he's had a guy or few suck his cock definitely, but yeah), even in his glory days in the 70s/80s, before he let himself go, Ron Jeremy, aside from him being well endowed, was never really anything special/prize, then as he got older, he was basically just monstrous looking, and was a walking parody of the industry but yeah lol.

But to answer the question. Oh gosh. Probably Keemstar. He's a grade a asshole. He's homophobic, I believe he's also kinda racist. People blame him for Etika's (gay Black streamer who was attracted to Keemstar unrequitedly) unaliving himself. But yeah. Smh. But I find his dunderhead ass cute idk lol.
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I met Ron Jeremy a (long) while back, and he was the nicest guy towards me. I'm gay, but not totally obvious. Usually people can 'tell', but I don't flaunt it. We took pics, he signed some things for me. He went above what he needed to. From my experience, I thought he was a genuine nice guy (at the time).
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