Agree with what orientation has to do with it. Men have been into grooming for awhile now. I shave my shaft and balls since I haven’t wanted my wife, or my partners before her, to be repulsed by having hair in their mouths. Anything I can do to make my junk more attractive to a good sucking, I’m gonna do.
As for my bush, I have very light hair but still buzz it for the above reasons.
Note to
@rbi99 - don’t be afraid to shave. Make sure the razor blades are sharp, and run the razor under hot water first. Then, make sure your shaft and balls are well moisturized in the shower, then soap up (or use shaving cream) and shave carefully. Afterwards, use a body lotion to avoid any irritation.
I’ve never had a problem. Both my wife, and I, love my shaved shaft and balls. And that’s all that matters.