Questions We Never Ask Each Other

I've never asked my friends if they want to compare genitals. I have never asked a friend if I could see hers.

I did ask a friend's mother what a clitoris was. She tried explaining verbally, and I did not understand. This was pre-internet, and she was my second mother. It was acceptable at the time in that context that she showed me hers. We were already nude washing up in the sink before bed. She suggested that I look for mine in private. She told my mother about it, and it was fine. My mother provided me a book soon after. This is the closest I have ever come to asking a woman about a vagina or vulva, and I wasn't even asking specifically about hers.
I've never asked my friends if they want to compare genitals. I have never asked a friend if I could see hers.

I did ask a friend's mother what a clitoris was. She tried explaining verbally, and I did not understand. This was pre-internet, and she was my second mother. It was acceptable at the time in that context that she showed me hers. We were already nude washing up in the sink before bed. She suggested that I look for mine in private. She told my mother about it, and it was fine. My mother provided me a book soon after. This is the closest I have ever come to asking a woman about a vagina or vulva, and I wasn't even asking specifically about hers.

aren’t current helpful people lucky? We have diagrams and models that look like pink penguins.
aren’t current helpful people lucky? We have diagrams and models that look like pink penguins.
OMG! I cannot imagine the awkwardness of feeling like there is no recourse but to show answers to anatomical questions on myself. When my "nieces" asked me questions about orgasm, I showed diagrams on one of their tablets. I texted them a TED talk link. Even so, I kind of wanted to evaporate. I think my extra mother should be a candidate for sainthood.
I’ve never tried to sneak a peak at another woman’s vagina while she is getting changed or similar situation.

I’ve never asked a woman to watch porn with me or asked her any compromising sexual question that I know would make her uncomfortable... including “gay chicken”.

I’ve never asked a woman anything about her masturbating habits or details about sex with her partner. That’s not to say that I haven’t spoken about sex details... we’ve just spoken about that voluntarily.
Do I ever admire my vagina? Never occurred to me to get a mirror and just lay around admiring the folds of my labia. :joy:

When I was first learning about women's health and anatomy I did spend some time with a mirror to get familiar with everything. Since then? Not so much. Other than that kind of scenario, I can't think of a woman who would just lounge and admire their parts.

Now, enjoying watching themselves have sex with someone via a mirror? Different scenario. Solo, lemme gaze upon my labia? Not so much.
I don't know. My vulva is really cute. I don't go out of my way to see it, but I like looking at it if I take a picture for someone else or if we make a video. It's just so adorable. To be fair I started paying attention to it because someone else did. I was like let me see. And then I had to agree with the assessment. So cute!
Do I ever admire my vagina? Never occurred to me to get a mirror and just lay around admiring the folds of my labia. :joy:

I do. I look at my own pussy a lot. I take pics of it. I admire it in the mirror. I like my pussy.

I don't compare it to anyone else's. I don't ask about anyone else's. I don't send pics of mine to people who didn't ask to see it.
I do. I look at my own pussy a lot. I take pics of it. I admire it in the mirror. I like my pussy.

I don't compare it to anyone else's. I don't ask about anyone else's. I don't send pics of mine to people who didn't ask to see it.
Turns out I should have looked at it. Would have known I have old lady vajayjay! :joy: Turns out it looks different after menopause - who knew? (Well, now I do, but I never thought to check.)
I take photos of my vagina for my lover, by request, and I kind of try to weasel out of it. Or delay to a day the rest of me is more photogenic. I have GOT to plan and take pix before he goes to dole out along the way.

since I murder six times as many photos as those that survive, I wind up looking at my pink bits quite critically. and saying things like, damn...stray pubic shedding. And too dark, I need to move the lamp over..and where are my hotlights? Who did I perma-lend them to?
Is that a freckle? Did I have that six months ago (actually checks previous pix) whew! Yes, I did.