Questions We Never Ask Each Other

I've never asked a girl if she thinks that it would make us gay to masturbate in front of each other.

"It's not gay to touch ourselves in the hot tub sitting across from each other. People who say so are narrow minded and judgmental. Look, we're just straight mates. It's harmless. Jeez. Not sure why I need all these rationalizations but w/e.... we're just having fun... more chardonnay?"
I've never asked a woman if she would clone her pussy.

I've never asked a woman if she has fucked a real gay man.

I've never asked a woman if she has stolen and/or sniffed someone's undies from the locker room at a gym or from a room mate.

I've never asked a woman if her husband or boyfriend liked sex toys.
Do you wear a buttplug to Walmart? Or anywhere in public? Just curious.....

I'm gathering some very useful information on this thread.

Some real .... conversation starters :)
Sometimes you also get a special PM that isn't rude or terrifying but you want something decent to lob back with, and the tennis balls are obviously where we know they are ladies