UniquePackage: [quote author=Blkbooboo link=board=pe;num=1069534914;start=20#22 date=12/03/03 at 20:14:26]OK, I'M SCARED FOR YOU NOW. :-[ If you are looking to get into extreme adult entertainment you really need to consider that these fetishes come and go. They only serve the whims and desires of a specific audience, much like bukkake films. Think back to the early 90s when some studios put out such similar videos where men were fucking girls with impossibly large members and the some women had tits bigger than a human head. They were obvious fakes but it shows none of those actors were willing to put their health on the line to sell a product. You are set in your decision to go through with this process but you have to realize that what you are considering is no different than what anorexics/ bulimics experience. In fact i would go so far as to say you have body dysmorphia. This is a psychological view of your body as being deformed and you have to undergo extreme measures to fix it. Please consider that nothing is forever and even desicions change. You may consider children of your own or desire to make you r future partners happy. But how can you do that with a wet noodle? Perhaps you should tell us more about this process you are planning. What material will be used? Is it safe? Over time would they need to be replaced with smaller implants? But the question i would like to ask is exactly how big are your genitals at this present time. You know, much like anorexics who start out skinny believe they are fat. For all we know you probably have a perfectly fine 10 incher with a phat head and nice sized twins. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but some suffer from glaucoma.[/quote]
Ok, first off I have a Masters Degree and I speak English, German and Japanese... so you can speak to me in a manner that you would to someone well educated. I am aware of the various dementias and I do not suffer from any of the above mentioned.
Second, I am probably just fine as is, and if I were to want children (and some people do make that a priority) I would be concerned, but I do not want any, thank you. I am not interested in either marriage (at this point) or in children (at any point). I may perhaps marry but it would have to be a woman that was also "allergic to children" as I basically am and since I have already had some sperm stored (if I ever wanted to say clone me or something - lol) and a vasectomy (which sort of is the "fat lady singing in the kids department") I would say I am kind of fixed in my feelings on that.
Second, while I may pursue a short career in video, that is not my sole reason (which some of it is just a natural curiosity of "can this be done" - think Edison or Bell and then take a left turn -lol).
Really, it does not matter my current size or my reasons, everyone is entitled to do what they more or less want too (last I checked anyway) and unless my new mega-boys or super-shaft pose a impending danger to the general public (maybe they would crush people under the weight if ever my elastic went on the thong or something - look Out!!! Ahhhhh...lol) I see no reason not to pursue my curiosity. (And yes I am well versed in research, biomedical and even ethical considerations of what I am thinking about). Just as I kayaked once solo down the east coast from VA to FL for fun (while everyone else I knew was saying I would get killed, die, be eaten, or be taken by Bermuda triangle aliens) I seemed to come out of it just fine and even enjoyed it. Go figure. Course our society is so afflicted with overwhelming fear about death that almost no one really does anything other then worry about literally everything.
Imagine if the Wright Brothers had to deal with today's fear - Gee Wright's you can't go up in that without liability insurance and a permit, and you can't put that here you might endanger yourselves or others, and we need that approved and you have to have that inspected and did you fill in all the forms and you need to consult your business attorney... What do you mean you don't have a pilots license???
Given that they would probably scrapped it and went back to bicycles.