I'm sorry I really find it hard to have much sympathy for the guys face being leaked... He has millions of followers, it was just a matter of time before someone from his hometown said something... Also, he shows every single streamer he meets his face and we know that he doesn't wear a mask in private unless people are streaming (Aimsey and Freddie's early morning streams in the US, they kept making sure Ranboo knew they were streaming so he'd wear a mask or not come into the room). We know other streamers have video and pics of his face too...
He's made millions... If it was truly an issue that caused him that level of anxiety and pain there is a simple solution... he could just stop streaming, but he hasn't and I doubt he will anytime soon. He would fade away pretty quickly gaining all the anonymity his heart desires...
Yeah, it sucks for him that he's no longer anonymous, but let's not forget that it was his choice to become a twitch streamer...