I'll answer questions if I can, I don't dress anything up or hold back if I do, I enjoy having my pennies worth.
The kinda questions I don't often bother with are the obviously leading questions just for jerk off material, or questions about people's personal relationships seeking advice where they already know the answer, of course if I thought I could help I would.
For instance some questions of a sensitive nature, for example about certain kinks and fetish's I'd invite the OP to discuss via private message as it might rub some people up the wrong way.
As for any particular questions I wish guys would ask I can't really answer, I simply like things to be kept fresh.
The main reason I joined and have remained here all this time is because I enjoy this forum and women's issues alike, I actually wish guys used these forums more and asked more questions as long as they're appropriate as things often get stale.
I have a wealth of experience in swinging, cuckold relationships and femdom for example, I'm happy to discuss anything and help members with their questions just as long they're genuine, I'll also add I can however smell a bull shitter with leading questions like a fart in a lift tho! Hahaha.