Re: How big is too big?

[quote author=Turbo link=board=pe;num=1033866098;start=60#79 date=07/27/03 at 11:51:36]As for being too thick....hmmm I dont think you could be too thick[/quote]

I disagree.. I think you can be too thick, but not too long, with being long you can still get it in, just not all of it, whereas, being too thick, you just can't get it in at all.

At 13" long, I can't get it all in most girls, but getting it all in isn't as rare as you'd think, at least for me.  :D
And at 7.5 around, I wouldn't want any thicker, gotta take it slow getting it in, but it gets in.
Liberty9.5: You can't be TOO big?! Are you guys serious?

Obviously, based on some of the postings from our largest members you can be too big for your partners - unless perhaps you hunt for lovers based solely on whether or not they have giant orifices.
Alex17inch: Yes, there is a "too big", because my size is now near the maximum the most womans anatomie could handle. So I can´t have sex with all woman I want. It´s sometimes frustrating if a "impressive supergirl" says "NO!", only because my cock size. In this moments I wish my natural size back.
gigantikok: I'm simply struck by curiousity...

What was your original size? What surgery did you do to get that long? I thought there was only one kind of lengthening surgery, and that is where they snip some sort of tendon that holds up the penis...
Krowax: It's physically impossible for a human being to get that dick erect since it would take about 1.5 liters of blood to do so. The numbers tell the facts.
nacard01: I am 13x7...
I wouldn't want any bigger.
If I had my way I would be 9.
I think 9 would be idea simply for the things you can do but it doesnt place you in the "oh my god" category like I am now.

I guess everyones opinions differ here and there but in retrospect I can see why some guys would want 10 and 12. I just dont share the perspective <shrug>

prepstudinsc: [quote author=gigantikok link=board=pe;num=1033866098;start=80#83 date=09/18/03 at 20:24:41]I'm simply struck by curiousity...

What was your original size?  What surgery did you do to get that long?  I thought there was only one kind of lengthening surgery, and that is where they snip some sort of tendon that holds up the penis...[/quote]

I know European medical standards don't always jive with our here in the States, but I can't believe that a doctor would do a procedure to enlarge your penis to an unusable size. That's a doctor motivated solely by greed. A doctor with some ethics wouldn't do something that stupid.
nacard01: Forgot if I posted in this forum and too lazy/tired to check at the moment.....320AM :)

I think 12" is definitely big enough for any man regardless of what they want/need.

Realistically for myself I would prefer 9 inches to 13.

To quote myself, "everyone gets dealt a hand, just a question of how you cant discard"

Have to deal with it somehow.
Postive or negative I guess.

ORCABOMBER: I really do NOT EVER want to change, I'm very happy with what I've got, despite being at the lower end of the LPSG spectrum, anyone got a problem with that can go and well...erm...die in my humble opinion.

On to the question, as a whole, I think a double digit sized penis is just "big". But I'm not going to imply, you guys are better "handymen" then I am when it comes to sex.
tripod: My opinion is this: A guy can never have too much penis or too much money. I can't imagine having too much of either. You don't have to invest ALL of either in just one woman.

As for being so large you can't pack it all in... You can wrap a towell around the base, you can let her sit on top, or you can "do it yourself". Yup... A few years ago when my back was more limber, there was no problem with giving myself head. Like they say, if you want anything done right, do it yourself. (At least, you don't have to fret about taking yourself out for an expensive dinner!)

Soooo... 14+ inches seems ideal to me. Would be much easier on the back!
ish789: ok im sorry but if u have had sex... you can be way to big... some girls can barely take 8 and u want them to take 10+, now as or being to thick this is possible 2.. but i think not as much as being to long. And as for the people who say a dick cant be that long are ummm mistaken, there are references of people with dicks that long in medical histories but all of that had a disease and it was the same one cant remember what though.
I think If you're over 8 inches and can slide it in 'easily' then she's an uber slut.

Any girl that can take over 10 inches is just plain dirty. Sure its a lot of excitment for the guy, but I find the whole situation icky.

The only good purpose I can see in having a big schlong (over 10+) is being able to give yourself head. :D
ish789: well my ex couldnt even get 6 of it in.... lol.

*off topic i know* :p
ORCABOMBER: [quote author=Anon link=board=pe;num=1033866098;start=80#91 date=11/11/03 at 13:18:10]I think If you're over 8 inches and can slide it in 'easily' then she's an uber slut.

Any girl that can take over 10 inches is just plain dirty. Sure its a lot of excitment for the guy, but I find the whole situation icky.

The only good purpose I can see in having a big schlong (over 10+) is being able to give yourself head. :D[/quote]
Okay, okay, just a bit mean huh? After all, some members could possibly, doesn't make them sluts, vaginas are supposed to be reasonably flexible..not that I've got experience in that field of course.
Hey, big Nick:

Even though another inch would make an even number of inches, when it comes to dick lots of folks would call an 11 a foot. One inch doesn't change 11 that much percentage wise, stud.

You've got a monster now, just be happy and proud!

Poshman: I think people make too much about wanting to increase their size. You should be happy with the way you are and not care what other people think. If they choose to make fun then its their loss, not yours.
ORCABOMBER: [quote author=Poshman link=board=pe;num=1033866098;start=80#95 date=12/04/03 at 15:29:47]I think people make too much about wanting to increase their size. You should be happy with the way you are and not care what other people think. If they choose to make fun then its their loss, not yours.[/quote]
Well said Posh. Cheers.
12str8inches: personaly i don't care how big it get
i want to be at least 15 long or bigger :)
But less than 18 or is that way too big? ???
but right now i'm 12.8 long and 8.2 round (natural) ;D

-- Kris
john_aka_john: I'm just over 10 inches and personally I think I'm too big. Some women seem to be a little leary of sex because they think they're going to get hurt. Also oral sex is not that common because of my girth. I'd be happy to trade in an inch or two for more frequent sexual encounters.
bigbebop: me right now i'm 13 x 9.5
i want to be longer and a bit thicker
but not to thick i still want to put it in women ;D
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