Red hot cocks

A can call me a saint now! After a lot of research and image refining, I now have the full compliment of the 2019 calendar. All 12 men completely naked and uncensored. They are set to upload in the next hour or so. Be prepared to see some penis! Like I said before... please support red hot. All the money is always split between a charity and the project itself so please keep funding them!
A big THANKS Saint Scottie ;-)

Big bushy red in the sauna
This Is kinda random but thought I’d share. J found a collection of censored images (presumably promo shots) from the calendar where like in the 2018 shoot. The boys are covered by either an emoji, a black bar or blurred out. The men are still shown to be completely naked but the images are made to be more PG. I can post any months anyone wants to see but here is Tony Fordham naked with just his willy covered up ;) 9D6D1615-69E4-41C2-ABD4-53AF8D3B0861.jpeg