
Do you have Parket Jones? especially Parker in the Tub?
Parker in the Tub -

If anyone needs any videos, I have everything RHSB up until October 10th, 2022 and everything SSB up until September 23, 2024
- omg!@Sniper_Monkey_36 - you’re amazing!

Can you PLEASE get the following from SSB please?

Darren’s Suit and Tie Spanking
Quizzing Darren
Darren's Pajama Spanking
Fletch's Butt Plug Spanking
Since I never got around to renaming them to the same format my RHSB videos follow, the SSB videos will be in my original naming format (Ex: 101. Xander's Interview) and there will be duplicate videos in both directories, such as the interviews considering that I have not yet had a chance to go through and sort them properly by my standards.

I hope, considering that I'm going to the trouble of uploading them all, that that will be fine for you all?
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Here's the newest link:

Currently there are 625 total items in the queue so please be patient
I'm like a youngster in a sweet shop! Will start at the top with the God Wes and work my way down mount Olympus...;)