Reid Polak

I think we should be mindful of the accusations.

Personally I think Reid is immature enough to pull stunts like this and think he’s getting away with it with his juvenile antics. His friends may not know how he constructs himself with women privately in sexual settings either. So it may be shocking to hear of these accusations.

Ultimately we don’t really know what transpired and it should just be taken as an accusation that probably won’t be substantiated publicly. Especially on this forum. No point in defending him or attacking him if no one has the evidence to back it.
Yeah, look you keep getting upset with people about liking him and point out he's done some shady shit. However, how are WE to know or believe it, especially when it hasn't been public knowledge. If it is true, then I hope the ladies involved do feel comfortable speaking up about it and pressing charges if it gets to that point, but you can't just expect us to "cancel" him because you're in a forum declaring it to be factual from second hand information. That will get you nowhere.

Edit: for the record, I'm not doubting it's true, I think it's plausible but we have no evidence and this isn't public knowledge.
I mean from the responses I got, I gathered this place isn't exactly the think tank for this kind of subject matter and decided to just let y'all be horny in peace... But since you want information, on two separate occasions he's gone back to friends houses for kick ons, as the night died down he's jumped into a girls bed with no invitation, proceeded to get naked in said bed, told the girl they've gotten him hard (without them interacting) and then constantly ask for them to "finish him off" cause he doesn't want blue balls until they give in. This was before his love island season aired also.
Wow if thats true should be in jail women should go to police and report it
I know him personally and let me tell you, Reid gets more pussy than most of the guys I know combined, so I can assure you that he doesn't need to coerce anyone.
How bigs his cock? Does he ever take it out and show off hahs