LPSG Legend
Well then, I'll leave the thread. Let the thread be abandoned. I'm going to disable thread notifications. Bye!
shut upWe can already see ALL these pics for ourselves on instagram! No need to duplicate by posting here, thanks. Not being mean. Just trying to be efficient here....
Sexy feetAnyone have more on this very hot guy on Instagram, handle is @rene.bianchi
Could be the scion of a rich family. But yeah, if it travels like a duck, eats like a duck, works like a duck, it probably is a duck.This guy is definitely an escort! Like, what kind of job does he have that allows him to live such luxurious lifestyle and travel weekly to expensive cities around the world?
He is lovely. An attractive natural looking guy maybe takes PEDs on edges, maybe not, but it doesn’t show. It means his dick still works. I like to think he’s an escort, but the discretion is the point isn’t it?