Richard Madden (Robb Stark in GOT)

There is a picture from Spain from a month ago. Before that they lived in London and Dallas and London and LA. Froy wears his clothes. It's pretty damn obvious and it is not about pictures from a year ago.

Don't forget about their families and friends following each other.
Richard coming out of the closet!

Anyone who’s been paying enough attention knows that Richard was dating Brandon and then Froy. There is no reason for Richard’s grown and rich ass to spend months living with, going around the world with, constantly interacting on social media with two random pretty-boy actors in their early 20s. Never mind that he hasn’t denied it. Never mind that one guy is out of the closet and the other appears to be “queer”. Also, never mind that he hasn’t been linked with a female in several years. And never mind that he has been seen with Froy lately and Froy has interacted with Richard and Richard’s family on social media recently. Anyone that’s trying to argue that it’s nothing there either hasn’t been paying attention or are in their feelings about it.

As far as Richard’s identities, sexuality, dimensions. Once again, it’s not anyone’s place to give him any type of identity. Furthermore, no one knows the nuances of anyone else’s sexuality, what types of fluidity they have or haven’t experienced, their motivations and their struggles, and where they are in the gender, sexual, romantic, emotional investment, relationship contentment, commitment spectrum.
I don’t believe it until there’s solid substantial proof i.e. a picture of them or something like a statement I’m going to stick with ambiguous or Bisexual. Wish ppl quit pushing a agenda with no proof other than pictures from a year or two ago.
They literallly wear each other's clothes. They're still dating they're just very private about it.
no disrespect for Angelina i love her but her last blockbuster was maleficent years ago, Richard totally stole the movie his scenes are the best, Salma is forgettable and Harry seems that he will be on marvel for years Kevin Feige confirmed 5 movies with him with a solo project
Why am I not surprised that a basically unknown male character is getting a solo project before female popualr ones like the Scarlet Witch?
Please no! Toxic masculinity and closet forever.

i think it will be interesting if they tweak bond as gay now and richard play it... bye sexy ladies now its time for bond with sexy guys...
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