Ron levi

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I agree, the purpose of LPSG and this thread it’s not to discuss politics, they’re an infinite amount of places for that in the web, let’s stick to beautiful boys their bodies and dicks.
I appreciate your request but I disagree with you that the purpose of LPSG is not to support politics. There are many threads that mix the thirst traps with politics etc. every thread in LPSG has veered off periodically. Sometimes it is best to let a conversation run its course instead of fanning flames and creating another type of discussion.
BakedNASA is a fake???
Yes he is, and honestly Im surprised by the amount of people who dont see that dead look in his eyes. The reason all his pics are black&white is that the faceapp doesnt work so well with colours. Im sure if you ask him about it he wont deny it. And theres a few more like him out there.
Yes he is, and im honestly surprised by the amount of people who dont see that dead glass look in his eyes. Im sure if you ask him about it he wont deny it. And theres a few more like him out there.
Well, I've seen real people with that dead look on their eyes (i.e. Joey Mills), I just assumed he was a junkie or something...
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Well, it is 70+ years old war between these people. We people divide ourselves in lots of ways and that's the reason for all this conflict. Apart from all psychological divisions like race, religion, ideologies, we human beings are all one. All these wars are far away from intelligence.
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Well, it is 70+ years old war between these people. We people divide ourselves in lots of ways and that's the reason for all this conflict. Apart from all psychological divisions like race, religion, ideologies, we human beings are all one. All these wars are far away from intelligence.
I agree completely. I just think the differences go way farther back then 70years.
he just looks like a sweet, kind guy. that boyish charm coupled with his innocent posts where he likes and respond to everyone - including us weirdos who comment stuff like "nice armpits" is what works best for him. i hope his modeling career take off he really does look great in every editorial/campaign he's in. i hope to photographs him one day if i get the chance but he would have to fly off to paris so it's not likely to happen anytime soon. but a boy can dream

he liked a drawing i made of him a couple years ago and commented with few hearts. i thought it was nice of him.
he just looks like a sweet, kind guy. that boyish charm coupled with his innocent posts where he likes and respond to everyone - including us weirdos who comment stuff like "nice armpits" is what works best for him. i hope his modeling career take off he really does look great in every editorial/campaign he's in. i hope to photographs him one day if i get the chance but he would have to fly off to paris so it's not likely to happen anytime soon. but a boy can dream

he liked a drawing i made of him a couple years ago and commented with few hearts. i thought it was nice of him.

i stand corrected
he's too nice* to be straight

jokes aside, that was really sweet of him
he just looks like a sweet, kind guy. that boyish charm coupled with his innocent posts where he likes and respond to everyone - including us weirdos who comment stuff like "nice armpits" is what works best for him. i hope his modeling career take off he really does look great in every editorial/campaign he's in. i hope to photographs him one day if i get the chance but he would have to fly off to paris so it's not likely to happen anytime soon. but a boy can dream

he liked a drawing i made of him a couple years ago and commented with few hearts. i thought it was nice of him.

Why is flying out to Paris unlikely? He flies out to Berlin seemingly semi frequently for his Mientus shots
Why is flying out to Paris unlikely? He flies out to Berlin seemingly semi frequently for his Mientus shots

i dont think he has an agency in paris and he's not a runway model so he's not going there for the shows either, but maybe in a near future, who knows

you're invited to manifest it with me so that happens eventually
i dont think he has an agency in paris and he's not a runway model so he's not going there for the shows either, but maybe in a near future, who knows

you're invited to manifest it with me so that happens eventually
I mean if you're a photographer can't you send and ask him/his agent a quota for a shoot? To fly out, model, min hotel etc.? I'm definitely not expert but I don't get wht you already decided no (or is this not how it works)
I mean if you're a photographer can't you send and ask him/his agent a quota for a shoot? To fly out, model, min hotel etc.? I'm definitely not expert but I don't get wht you already decided no (or is this not how it works)

they dont fly models to random cities just because a photographer want to shoot them ; you'd need a reason for that. that reason being money so strictly linked to fashion. we call these "editorials" -> made for magazines (where you showcase outfits, beauty products, shoes etc...). that's the job of a casting agent, they reunite a photographer, stylist, set person, makeup artist etc to work on an editorial. the photographer, most of the time, has very little importance in the choice of who they shoot during those editorials. and i'm not a fashion photographer

me directly asking ron to come to my studio could work if i lived in israel like he does. i would then only need to message his agent first and that would be that, because then no money for traveling would be involved.

but that's not the case. the money spent on a plane ticket and hotel need to be justified, so does the time spent away from the model's home country/town. it needs to be lucrative. a model doesn't fly away to paris for free like that if there's no job opportunities
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