Ron levi

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No, even private entities are bound by the law (against discrimination etc.). They are not absolutely free to hinder, ban or limit the freedom of speech.
Discrimination is not enumerated in the constitution. Several groups have been deemed “protected classes”, tho not all…. But that has nothing to do with rights enumerated in the first amendment. Again, the first amendment protects Americans from the federal government infringing upon speech, assembly, and religion. Private companies are not bound to extend the same protections. If they were, surely Donald trump would’ve sued Twitter and won.
Some of the pictures deleted were clearly the copyright of and not Ron Levi, so I'm even more purplexed.

it is not difficult to send a much broader demand to LPSG than one is legally entitled to. No one wants escalation.
It's too bad he turned out like that. I've been following him for a long time and always thought he was great. I never thought we'd get an OF. I'm obviously curious what's in it but I'm not paying $30 for a handful of posts. This whole thing kinda makes me want to unfollow him now.
So to keep it short: Your best bet to get what you want is to cut out the middlemen and talk to the guys directly. Is it going to cost you? Yep, and not cheaply. Many of the guys in these threads will gladly sell you custom content. And if you come at them correctly you can get a lot more than you will see on OF. I have been a personal collector for years with over 4 terabytes of private content. These guys are trying to stack their cash. Of takes 20%(?) I think. That's even their DM sales. Add to it that some of them have agents and contracts that obligate them to pay out to them as well.

And before anyone asks, I'm not sharing the content I have. My promise to those guys who graciously made it specifically for me was that I'd never share it. It's what has allowed me to continue to buy it.
On s’en tape de ta vie
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