Ron levi

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Thanx for a second I was going to say change the name some what and maybe they won't find it. I changed my to Alen Lefriant so If I post what I have on Broghan Semrad they won't find me. I woke up to find u gone I was what a f. In shame they got rid of u too
The account is still suspended :/
I lost respect for him, he charged alot for extra photos. He baited like it was one of full nude. Turns out he still covered his dick, he is greedy liar. I swear his OF won’t last longer, people will realise and unsubscribe soon.
After first such case i unsubscribed, he specifically told me it was full nude. I paid good money, but as stated here his dick was covered.
We can only wait and see if Ron's intention was to NEVER reveal his dick on OFs. If that is the case, and eventually his OFs crashes and burns as users lose interest, he still will have made a BOAT LOAD of money.
if a lot of people attempt to chargeback from a specific performer OF will prob do something about it since it threatens their ability to process CC...
No point reporting to onlyfans. OF won’t do anything for their customers. All they want is the percentage they get from performers. So no point asking OF for help.
Been a while since I checked in here, but super happy with his OF. No full frontals or asshole pics for me, but DAYUM, that guy can pitch a massive tent!! Way more than I’d have expected. He’s never ripped me off, but I dunno, I never thought Brandon Rowland would either and he turned out to be what everyone said he was (sigh). Anyway, until Ron gives me a reason to feel otherwise, I’m happily subscribed and satisfied.
can someone send me via dm at least one pic of Ron showing his butthole please!?

they are not butthole pics. the person doesn't know the difference between asscheeks and asshole XD
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