Ryanleexxxx (brother of Andyleexxx)

Is he actually related to Andy or do they just say that he is? Ngl they don’t look very similar to me
oh look she’s triggered over someone having an opinion which is the point of this site
Just wondering how someone can be as pathetic as you are. That you would waste precious hours of your day, to come over to a page, of a man you claim not to find attractive, just so you can tell everyone on said page, just how unattractive you find him, instead of doing something productive with your day.
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Just wondering how someone can be as pathetic as you are. That you would waste precious hours of your day, to come over to a page, of a man you claim not to find attractive, just so you can tell everyone on said page, just how unattractive you find him, instead of doing something productive with your day.
Doesn’t take hours of my day to type a line …