Again without basis, another empty characterization. I called you out for promoting catfishing. I've never catfished, I don't ask for others to do it, and I find the practice reprehensible and dehumanizing. So, not a hypocrite. Just because you can spell the word hypocrite doesn't mean you have the slightest clue as to its meaning. And using CAPS -- the equivalent of shouting in written form -- doesn't render an empty assertion a substantiated conclusion. Often SHOUTING is the last resort when you can't defend your position, but saying it louder doesn't make it so. All of that is perfectly clear. What is unclear is why you are so invested in the snide name calling. Perhaps you are projecting -- because you are unable to defend the practice of catfishing which you promoted, you feel the need to spread the charge to others by calling them hypocrites when they criticize the practice. In any event, you evidence an unwillingness to defend or explain your position on the merits so further discussion is pointless. Enjoy your night.