Sam cushing

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Which is why in a free society we judge an argument on its merits, not who's making them. While it's extremely unlikely that everyone who criticized Sam engaged in the same behavior, that's beside the point. Like I said, the thread only turned towards criticism once he's done something to be criticized.

I won't waste more time in this stupid argument because you know all this, and it's impossible to engage in good faith arguments with someone using motivated reasoning. It's all too common these days; sure the Democrats/Republicans are terrible but have you seen the hypocrites in the Alt-Right/SocDems? Oh you criticize the Chinese/Russian regimes but you are all anti-Chinese/anti-Russian racists. The thing is the latter excuse is almost always partly true (there are hypocrites and racists) but none of that answers the argument in the first place. No one needs to be morally perfect before being allowed to criticize lol
Oh mais ça suffit les filles! Bon sang, prenez vos médicaments et allez dormir. On a autre chose à faire que lire vos râlements de vieilles frustrées!
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Oh mais ça suffit les filles! Bon sang, prenez vos médicaments et allez dormir. On a autre chose à faire que lire vos râlements de vieilles frustrées!
You replying to an old post from 3 weeks ago is way more spammy than whatever he was saying...take your own advice and have some meds, won't be continuing this waste of space of a conversation.
Ah, Sam is so dreamy. Do you think he’s ‘getting it’ at least every day? Multiple times per day?
Everyone thinks everyone has more sex than them. I’m sure he’s has a moderate amount of sex like everyone else.
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