It's probably cause every douchey comment is just that, douchey. I don't even care for the guy. He's just eye candy. I don't even follow the guy besides this thread for wank fodder. But it seems like instead of criticizing any actual issues he's done that warrants criticism, it's just toxic bitchy commentary about his supposed lifestyle that holds no value. None of these "Keyboard Warriors" are like, saying something awful like "he had every right to do the puerto vallarta thing". They're just calling people out who make mocking jokes about how he had no talent or career or he's a whore or some other stuff that seems like jealousy and just blatant bitching. Like none of this is gonna let you have his life or put a dent in his own. In other words:
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You're not regina george, you're just another commentator like the rest of us looking for jerk off material. You don't need to be unnecessarily cruel and basking in the supposed pain of some guy you've never met. That doesn't give you anything. If these keyboard warriors piss you off so much, go to 4chan.