Samgtsfit (sam noriega) latino insta model

Guys, you do need to understand that this thread is not based in the US. Many people here are from different countries and they may not care who the fuck Trump is or does. So let's respect the diversity of opinion.
Respecting diversity of opinion is also respecting the opinion of people that feel we should not be giving money to someone who supports a political party that hates us. But clearly, that's an opinion that the tRump apologists don't seem to think is valid.

If someone was a Brit that supported the Tories ... I wouldn't spend a pound on them either.
Respecting diversity of opinion is also respecting the opinion of people that feel we should not be giving money to someone who supports a political party that hates us. But clearly, that's an opinion that the tRump apologists don't seem to think is valid.

If someone was a Brit that supported the Tories ... I wouldn't spend a pound on them either.
Your right you do but at the same time be about it y’all complaining tho then still asking to see his nudes so like know how many people don’t agree with you in life A LOT and you still buy thier stuff ect what if all water company’s said they hate all gays wtf u gonna do not drink water Even if they don’t voice thier opinion people still think things you can’t boycott every dam thingy and get triggered just move on just like conservative still watch Hollywood movies and they all share the same brain it seems like and know one gets triggered like the Dems do its when you start pushing your political agenda on people not everyone cares and wants to hear your opinion
Respecting diversity of opinion is also respecting the opinion of people that feel we should not be giving money to someone who supports a political party that hates us. But clearly, that's an opinion that the tRump apologists don't seem to think is valid.

If someone was a Brit that supported the Tories ... I wouldn't spend a pound on them either.
And Hate to brake to everyone not everyone that’s a Republican is white I see all walks of life including gays and TRANS Blacks, Hispanics poor people ect people that have thier own brain, and think for themselves and not let celebrities show you who to vote for
Your right you do but at the same time be about it y’all complaining tho then still asking to see his nudes so like know how many people don’t agree with you in life A LOT and you still buy thier stuff ect what if all water company’s said they hate all gays wtf u gonna do not drink water Even if they don’t voice thier opinion people still think things you can’t boycott every dam thingy and get triggered just move on just like conservative still watch Hollywood movies and they all share the same brain it seems like and know one gets triggered like the Dems do its when you start pushing your political agenda on people not everyone cares and wants to hear your opinion
Girl what are you even talking about?

All rambling, jumping from one random topic to the next, and with an extra dash of incoherent sentences.

The rump girls are truly lacking just like his ugly ass.
Guys, you do need to understand that this thread is not based in the US. Many people here are from different countries and they may not care who the fuck Trump is or does. So let's respect the diversity of opinion.
