Santino Benamati (UncleJesseJr on Tiktok)

So, no one has his dildo video?
Seriously hoping he takes the John Bronco route. That ass can't go on not being used properly.
He prefers plastic over the real thing?, he’s scared that he might actually like a real dick up his tight-ass;)
Its funny because i thought that so much when i first saw him but now i cant see it anymore. But he’s smart to capitalize on the resemblance lol maybe he and jake daniel can do uncle jessie/joey role play😂
I don't see the John Stamos thing lol Jesse looks 5'7 on a good day so my mind can't process it. It's a cute lil gimmick I never saw the resemblance. 1738517208352.png
Maybe in this pic hold on ...somewhat ish