Saw My Bf Nude Pics And Don't Know What To Do Now


Cherished Member
Jul 17, 2019
Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Hey guys! Something really weird happened and it kinda has shaken my friendship. I really would appreciate your opinion on the topic. It's going to be a big text, because I want to give some context.

I have a really good friend, who I really trust and is almost like a brother to me. We are both gay and met 10 years ago on the internet, more specifically in a forum about gay sex. Because we have really similar personalities and sense of humor, we got along really fast and left behind any chance of romance or possibility of a hookup. It is a friendship that lasts over 10 years, so we don't have a filter when it comes to talk about sex or relationships, so we have been always opened about our kinks and sexual desires. We've even shared a sexual toy. He let me try one of his flashlights, so I could decide if I would like to buy one. However, like all friendships, we have our limitations to certain topics. Despite travelling together and sharing the same bed many times, we have never seen each other naked. I mean, that changed for me yesterday.

Due to the pandemic, the pressure in college and work, we haven't seen each other in a while. After almost a month, we decided to meet in his house to have some take out food and catch up. He gave me his phone to decide what I was going to eat and place the order, then he stood up and went to the bathroom. While I was looking at the menu, I accidentally pressed an option on the phone that swapped the food app for the photo album, that I think he was using before I got to his house. There were photos of him in different positions, holding his hard dick and wearing a kind of a builder costume. The nude pics were so hot and I got a hard-on straight away. I couldn't stop looking at the photos and I saw about 10 of them when I heard him coming back to the room, so I quickly went back to the food app. He didn't notice at all that I saw him in his glorious moment and that I liked that. The night went on as usual and we talked about our things, but his dick pics got stuck in my mind and I chickened out about telling him what happened earlier.

Should I tell my friend I saw his photos? I don't know what to do, because they really turned me on and I don't want to throw out the window years of a real friendship.
Not to be devil's advocate.. but are you sure you weren't just snooping in his phone once he left the room? It seems kind of, oh I don't know, convenient that as soon as he left you accidentally hit a button that took you to his photos. ..And that you didn't just click out of them, but kept browsing.

At any rate, those are his private pics. You have a friendship, not a friends with benefits. Chalk it up to a mistake on your part and don't mention it.

I have a similar friendship with a friend, except we haven't shared a sex toy. o_O I would feel very uncomfortable if I knew he browsed my nude pics. If I wanted to show him, or talk about my junk, I would have. I would see it as a breach of my privacy, even though we are very close. There is zero sexual interest on my part towards him. If he got hard and horny towards me after that, it would really strain things between us.
are you sure you weren't just snooping in his phone once he left the room?
I agree, it sounds way too convenient that you ended up switching from a food menu to his photo gallery with just clicking a button.

If you are true friends like you say, you should mention to him that you saw his pics "accidentally" the other day and he looked good. There are 3 possible endings to the situation:

1) He will say "Oops!" and you both will have a good laugh.
2) He meant to leave his pics easily accessible for you and hoped you would find them.
3) He will be embarrassed and will apologize.

#1 seems the most logical and you will both continue to be friends and go on with your friendship.
#2 might lead to more than just friendship, but it might also end your friendship
#3 is the trickiest. It might end your friendship, but if you continue to be friends, it most likely will strain your friendship.

My best bet would be to just go on with your friendship and not mention that you saw his pics.
You are not lovers. You do not own each other. This should not be a big deal. Rather than keep a secret, which will set up distance, I recommend CASUALLTY telling him something like: "When you lent me your phone, I accidentally looked at your photos. Sorry!" Let that be that.
Not to be devil's advocate.. but are you sure you weren't just snooping in his phone once he left the room? It seems kind of, oh I don't know, convenient that as soon as he left you accidentally hit a button that took you to his photos. ..And that you didn't just click out of them, but kept browsing.

At any rate, those are his private pics. You have a friendship, not a friends with benefits. Chalk it up to a mistake on your part and don't mention it.

I have a similar friendship with a friend, except we haven't shared a sex toy. o_O I would feel very uncomfortable if I knew he browsed my nude pics. If I wanted to show him, or talk about my junk, I would have. I would see it as a breach of my privacy, even though we are very close. There is zero sexual interest on my part towards him. If he got hard and horny towards me after that, it would really strain things between us.

I wasn't sneaking on his phone, man. It was actually an accident. I've always been a iOS user (have an Iphone 8) and he has one of those Samsungs with full screen and no home button. In fairness, I could have stopped when the app shifted to the album, but I saw the pics and suddenly I couldn't stop looking. They were really hot and it was the first time I saw my friend in a different way, more sexual like. I wouldn't mind showing my private pics, to be honest. Do you think I should bring up the topic and try to show my pics for him?
I agree, it sounds way too convenient that you ended up switching from a food menu to his photo gallery with just clicking a button.

If you are true friends like you say, you should mention to him that you saw his pics "accidentally" the other day and he looked good. There are 3 possible endings to the situation:

1) He will say "Oops!" and you both will have a good laugh.
2) He meant to leave his pics easily accessible for you and hoped you would find them.
3) He will be embarrassed and will apologize.

#1 seems the most logical and you will both continue to be friends and go on with your friendship.
#2 might lead to more than just friendship, but it might also end your friendship
#3 is the trickiest. It might end your friendship, but if you continue to be friends, it most likely will strain your friendship.

My best bet would be to just go on with your friendship and not mention that you saw his pics.

Knowing my friend as I do, he would feel very embarrassed and would try to avoid me. Like, I never saw him that way, in such a masculine position, holding his dick and balls. I know there's no reason to feel shy about it, especially because he looked really hot in those pics, but he would feel exposed if I told him what I saw.
Why not just tell him you would like to see him nude. Go to the gym together, or a nude beach. It just nudity, nothing new in this world. Then you can forget the pics.

That is a good idea, I wound't mind taking our friendship to this level. I don't know if it would work though. Last year we went to France for few days and were staying in a hostel with open showers, he wouldn't take showers when he knew I was there.
I wasn't sneaking on his phone, man. It was actually an accident. I've always been a iOS user (have an Iphone 8) and he has one of those Samsungs with full screen and no home button. In fairness, I could have stopped when the app shifted to the album, but I saw the pics and suddenly I couldn't stop looking. They were really hot and it was the first time I saw my friend in a different way, more sexual like. I wouldn't mind showing my private pics, to be honest. Do you think I should bring up the topic and try to show my pics for him?

if you tell him that you saw the pics, do you also plan to tell him that it turned you on?
I get how this can happen by mistake when using an android phone. Honestly, I think you should just leave it and move on. Especially if he seems shy about being naked around you now.

If you really want to see eachother nude then I think the only non creepy way of going about it is seeing if he wants to go to a nude beach with you. But then you will need to also try to not get aroused.

Ultimately, unless you really have feelings for him then I think it's best to not risk ruining the friendship.
I guess it's my age speaking here, but I honestly don't get why seeing your close guy friends naked is such an earth shattering event for some guys. It was common for me and my buddies to be naked around each other when I was younger. Usually it was in the gym locker room and open shower after exercise, or from getting changed around each other. All guys have a penis, balls and ass, right? Having a penis and balls is what makes a guy a guy in the first place. I was attracted to some of my old friends as well, and just considered it a good day when the opportunity presented itself to be naked with them.
I know I might not be representative of most people on this, but if one of my friends saw my nudes and told me that they turned them on, I’d mostly be flattered tbh. As long as the friend understood that being turned on by someone isn’t an invitation to a broader sexual relationship, and can keep a level head about it, then I don’t really see the issue! After all, it’s not that much different from having a friend who you know is hot, even if you know also you’re not gonna get with them or anything.

So I would say if this is eating you up, and you think he’s ultimately be chill about it, then no reason not to tell him. Besides, it’s all in how you play it off. There’s a big difference between “hey dude, you’re really hot, great job lol” and “please have sex with me immediately” o_O
if you tell him that you saw the pics, do you also plan to tell him that it turned you on?
I don’t think I would. That would definitely change our friendship. Don’t want to swap it just because he is a handsome guy with a big dick
I get how this can happen by mistake when using an android phone. Honestly, I think you should just leave it and move on. Especially if he seems shy about being naked around you now.

If you really want to see eachother nude then I think the only non creepy way of going about it is seeing if he wants to go to a nude beach with you. But then you will need to also try to not get aroused.

Ultimately, unless you really have feelings for him then I think it's best to not risk ruining the friendship.
My feelings for him are really genuine, I love him as family. I need to accept that it was just a moment of weakness and I would never think like that if I hadn’t seen his private pics.

however, I’m thinking about bringing up the topic nudity and work it on his mind. Maybe that would also help him and his shyness and get us even closer