Scotty sire?

He tried really hard to deliver the idea that his GF and him moving into his Dad's house outside of LA is something beneficial and productive.. She seems to just exist in his atmosphere and he is joking about how his brothers can now wash his truck... I think his entire income is pittance from YouTube and OF is the main.
He's also said multiple times that he is showing dick.
Exactly. He's said both. He knows people will believe him and waste their money. Then if someone gets sick of his shit and goes after him, he can just fall back and say "Oh, I wasn't serious about that. I already said I won't show it."

It's stupid and weak, but enough that he can just keep getting away with it.
Umm have you tried not being unnecessarily rude?
How was that rude? A question was asked, the solution was given. If the reply was common sense and the original poster is offended, then that is his own issue. If you're offended by an interaction that has nothing to do with you, then that is your own issue.
He tried really hard to deliver the idea that his GF and him moving into his Dad's house outside of LA is something beneficial and productive.. She seems to just exist in his atmosphere and he is joking about how his brothers can now wash his truck... I think his entire income is pittance from YouTube and OF is the main.
Yeah that was kind of the vibe I got from the video as well. You can tell this is like a really big hit to Scotty's ego because honestly I will say he was probably the most proactive vlog squad member But none of his business ventures really kind of went anywhere *shrug* his YouTube career fizzled out, his budding music career fizzled out, his multiple attempts at podcast weren't successful And not to mention, probably a bunch of bad investments somewhere down the line.

That shit has got to suck/ be depressing as hell especially when the majority of everybody else in your friend group is doing financially well (David, Ilya, Jason, Heath, Zane, hell even Joe.) And something tells me he absolutely did not want to move back into his childhood home because he would feel like that was a step going backwards. Meanwhile, I feel like Jac's mentality was just like let's get a place with reduced rent So they can save up money and that's still somewhat close to Los Angeles.

Although I'm pretty sure that's just putting a Band-Aid on the situation. I feel like the only money he really gets these days is probably from Snapchat/ onlyfans. He's going to have to get real serious about his prospects soon.
Yeah that was kind of the vibe I got from the video as well. You can tell this is like a really big hit to Scotty's ego because honestly I will say he was probably the most proactive vlog squad member But none of his business ventures really kind of went anywhere *shrug* his YouTube career fizzled out, his budding music career fizzled out, his multiple attempts at podcast weren't successful And not to mention, probably a bunch of bad investments somewhere down the line.

That shit has got to suck/ be depressing as hell especially when the majority of everybody else in your friend group is doing financially well (David, Ilya, Jason, Heath, Zane, hell even Joe.) And something tells me he absolutely did not want to move back into his childhood home because he would feel like that was a step going backwards. Meanwhile, I feel like Jac's mentality was just like let's get a place with reduced rent So they can save up money and that's still somewhat close to Los Angeles.

Although I'm pretty sure that's just putting a Band-Aid on the situation. I feel like the only money he really gets these days is probably from Snapchat/ onlyfans. He's going to have to get real serious about his prospects soon.
Who knows? Maybe this'll be the ego hit he needs to realize if he wants OnlyFans to be successful he needs to actually post porn, not not just bait everyone who is stupid enough to fall for it
Who knows? Maybe this'll be the ego hit he needs to realize if he wants OnlyFans to be successful he needs to actually post porn, not not just bait everyone who is stupid enough to fall for it
I mean, if he did I would resubscribe to his shit, cause that'd be hot and actually worth the money
He destroyed any trust people once had in what he says with his OF. His biggest fans who watched him for years threw money at him and he betrayed their trust repeatedly. The only way I would EVER pay money to see him naked again is if he relinquished all creative control and was doing so under someone else's truly XXX direction. Basically a Porn Studio or something.

I've seen enough of his butt. If he had done Squats for an extended period of time at least we would've seen it take shape beyond what we seen for free in vlogs for years 🍑.
I've seen enough of his butt. If he had done Squats for an extended period of time at least we would've seen it take shape beyond what we seen for free in vlogs for years 🍑.
Honestly, and this is not to defend Scotty or anything. But he actually does do squat/leg workouts. He's complained for years. His ass and his chest were the things he could most insecure about because he can get his ass to ever shape up or be bigger.

So it's not that he doesn't put in the work to shape up his ass. It's just that those genetics of his are whipping his ass. Outside of him getting a BBL I don't see it ever taking any sort of round shape lol
Honestly, and this is not to defend Scotty or anything. But he actually does do squat/leg workouts. He's complained for years. His ass and his chest were the things he could most insecure about because he can get his ass to ever shape up or be bigger.

So it's not that he doesn't put in the work to shape up his ass. It's just that those genetics of his are whipping his ass. Outside of him getting a BBL I don't see it ever taking any sort of round shape lol
He used to have a bubble butt. I think he started using steroids or other drugs cuz the dude looks fucking beat.