Scotty sire?

He’s getting so lame. Said these should be more than $6 when they’re literally all the same pic with hand movement and now you need to tip to send a message???? How are pictures like this worth more than $10??! Scotty get a grip, literally. Anyways here’s some so y’all don’t waste your money too


He’s getting so lame. Said these should be more than $6 when they’re literally all the same pic with hand movement and now you need to tip to send a message???? How are pictures like this worth more than $10??! Scotty get a grip, literally. Anyways here’s some so y’all don’t waste your money too
Thank you for your service.

Someone must have hurt his feelings in the comments or pm's since they're disabled and require $ now lolol
I don’t really mind this , she’s hot and I’m bi so it works for me. Some guys hide behind the girl on onlyfans. I hope he doesn’t get lazy.
He already is lazy lmao
scotty's always been a hottie to me, but... mainly every scammer would show a better bulge than he's showing. clearly, it's not big, and he's probably just not comfortable showing it. and y'all are just wasting your money... at the same time, i can see he's trying haha.

the rule of dumb whenever someone joins OF is to bait gay, bi, curious, overly sexual men like us because they know we'd be quick to fall for it. so, all of these $6, $45, $100 posts you guys are buying could be going to a better cause. instead, we're just hoping by each PPV, he'd show something.

there's gonna be a point where he'll end up having to shake it up if he wants to keep subscribers around.
ok, don’t go attacking me or anything guys, but is he really scamming if he made it clear that he wouldn’t be showing his dick? also he’s had the onlyfans for only a few days, and usually these things take time?
Literally. Y’all are just overreacting so that he can what…. Show something sooner? Prove something? All cause y’all know he’s watching this thread. Sad. Scotty you’re doing great babes