SCRUFF app users scamming people



Be aware of SCRUFF app users scamming people, I had a guy stating he was from London and working all over the world. He likes to use WhatsApp or telegram for faster and easier communication so I gave him my telephone number. straight away he started love bombing and slowly introduced the stocks and trade markets after an hour of chatting saying how good they are and is an easy way to make money, sending screenshots of what he has earned or made.

He then asks if I wanted to join his group... all I need to do is register and deposit the money into the account. I refused and said that's not my thing. He's very persuasive throwing jargon and trying to confuse and Influence me to join the group. again replied no thank you not my thing, he got angry and threw more abuse so I blocked him.

I have his telephone number and pictures of him that he sent me.

I'm not sure if I should post them on here... I have reported this to the SCRUFF app, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what else to do.
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