He has topped & bottomed. If you search and don't find any of these feel free to ask.

SC1076 Esteban
SC1079 Esteban & Mitchell
SC1086 Jamie & Esteban
SC1099 Esteban & Trevor
SC1100 Esteban & Trevor (Behind The Scenes)
SC1113 Calvin & Esteban
SC1114 Calvin & Esteban (Behind The Scenes)
SC1123 Esteban & Jonathan
SC1144 Aaron & Esteban
Here find some … but always he play top … if you find one when he play bottom I’m appreciate!
Eddie (III) is truly one of the "ones that got away". Only did one solo in 2018 but I feel like he really had potential to become, like, one of their top stars. He perfectly embodied that classic hot/fit/masculine Sean Cody archetype...while also happening to be Mexican, which would've helped the diversity quota. That smile, that hair, those muscles, that cock...just an absolute stud.

hey I am looking for Hal video, please
love this charming blonde guy
Any idea of the list?

His scenes that I'm aware of

SC0784 Matt
SC0792 Matt & Tobey
SC0793 Matt & Tobey (Behind The Scenes)
SC0803 Matt & Jason
SC0813 Kurt & Matt
SC0814 Kurt and Matt (Behind The Scenes)
SC0826 Evan & Matt
SC0836 Hawaii Keith and Matt
SC0837 Hawaii Keith & Matt (Behind The Scenes)
SC0852 Harley & Matt
SC0862 Pete & Matt
SC0863 Pete & Matt (Behind The Scenes)
SC0868 Hawaii Jake & Matt
SC0904 Hawaii Matt, Doug & Pete
SC0905 Hawaii Matt, Doug & Pete (Behind The Scenes)
SC0912 Hawaii Fuckfest (Issac, Matt, Keith, Jake, And Doug)
SC0913 Hawaii Fuckfest (Issac, Matt, Keith, Jake, And Doug) (Behind The Scenes)
SC0948 Isaac & Matt