This has become one of my go-to scenes in recent years. aboslutely obsessed. they're both is top shape here, love cory's hairy body and tanner's facial hair and hair length. but my fave part of the whole clip is when cory is fucking tanner from behind and starts licking his neck. gets me every time.
Anyone have the scene where Brandon fucks Tanner? (Not the one where Brandon bottoms). Can't seem to locate it in the chat and I need it for my collection.
Does anyone know who this SC guy is? He only did one scene i think, huge muscles, and did two cumshots in his video. In the second one hes wanking in this gym, but he sweats so much! At the end its just running down his body, all down his cock-its amazing!
The first guy I was thinking was Kennan for some reason
He went on to become Brady Jensen. He really was too pretty to be straight, I always wished he had done a scene with Connor from CF
His other scenes

SC0971 Gabe & Jonah (Behind The Scene)
SC0999 Lane & Jonah
SC1036 Jonah & Trevor