Early on, Sean hired local lol. Some from the local gay bar, the military bases around SD, and of course friends like Michael Brandon. He built up a base (which grew quickly) then was able to go nation wide.
That was an early video #187 and I just happen to have that one in case the Google Drive link isn't working. The cum shots at end of the clip are the best part where the big pecked guy says the names of each of the guys as they shoot off. Tao cum.. Paulo cum. I am guessing that those are their real names. Bit of trivia, the shortest guy of the 3 in the center of the second photo also did porn under the name Alonzo with PapiCock, so Sean's Brazilian finds weren't exactly virgins to adult entertainment. At least one or more of them had done gay porn with other studios. The vibe of the video is kind of interesting as well as the 3 of them try to 'out-hetero' each other in their reaction to their cum. The way each of them shakes their cum off their cocks in mock disgust. It was an little odd. Maybe they knew that people would see them and recognize them in Brazil and felt the need to butch up their acting to drive home the no-homo point.
I spent some time in South America (Brazil and Colombia) and made a few friends (lovers too 🫣). I share mutual friends in Brazil with one of the guys from the Brazilian Sauna vid. He is a very popular MMA fighter. Not posting his name bc it will come up in Google and link back to this thread.

But yeah....dude is sexy af! He had the best body of the 3 dudes and the biggest dick!


Here you go :)

Forrest & Lane
View attachment 76117491
Forrest & Brodie
View attachment 76117631
Forrest & Porter
View attachment 76117681
Forrest & Tate
View attachment 76117721
Forrest solo (2014)
View attachment 76117751

I have a few more of his scenes that are not on your list, let me know if needed/wanted. Cheers!
Pairing Forrest and Lane together was genius. The best part of the scene has to be 21:43-23:00. It's hot when two guys who look so innocent end up being really dirty. Not to mention what Forrest does during the behind the scenes footage. That's an extra bonus. What happens at 19:11 was unexpected. I wonder if Sean missed it while editing.