Sean cody

Kieran is back to fuck Oliver Marks

Most exciting thing from SC in a while. Nice dick. Good looking dude
Kieran OMG, I love that man
I wish he has social media or something, I missed that dick :emoji_pregnant_woman:
Hmmm... You sought him out on... insta, Facebook, Twitt and the words he said disappointed you. Advice to you is DON"T SEEK FOLKS OUT. Believe it or not, in private life some > most folks will say something you disagree with - IMO
While I appreciate the advice, I didn’t seek anybody out. There’s something called algorithm that sometimes make people you share some interests in appear on your timeline. I can understand your assumption, though. But, as I said, that wasnt the case.
Also, in my opinion, whatever you post on a public profile on any social media is far from “private life”.
SC just announced the new bottoming debut featuring Jeremiah. No surprise. From the moment they hyped this scene, I knew it's gonna be another disappointment.
Hmmm…. Today… well right now it’s Thursday. Sean Cody doesn’t usually release the scene until Friday. Do you have a special membership where you can view scenes before they are released to the general public?
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