Photo Seaton reid

Does it matter?
I’m not here to turn this into a racial nor a political debate, because I’m just curious as to why. Seems almost pointless with the way Australia currently stands with the whole situation lol. Not here to go back and forth lol I’m aboriginal and I wouldn’t even do that, would probably get stoned lol
Tanning beds maybe? because I’m aboriginal and my skin tone changes more than his does, looked at myself in the mirror yesterday and thought to myself ‘fuck you’re dark, must’ve been in the sun a lot maybe’
Aren't Aboriginals supposed to be darker-skinned? Are you mixed with WHT? I know a lot of Indigenous PPL are these days.
Tanning beds maybe? because I’m aboriginal and my skin tone changes more than his does, looked at myself in the mirror yesterday and thought to myself ‘fuck you’re dark, must’ve been in the sun a lot maybe’
i’m pretty sure tanning beds are illegal.
He deleted his most recent vid fucking a girl; I bought that video and it vanished outta nowhere… how do I get my content back LOL or my money 😵‍💫
Purchased photos/videos don’t just vanish even if the creator deletes their account. The content is still under your „purchased“ folder.