Sebastian Kross

SO not lol. For starters SK lives and works in San Diego. He has NEVER bottomed and certainly wouldn't advertise if he was willing to and as far as sex work goes, he has LEFT the building. You just have to look at the age and height. You would need TWO Sebastian Kross' one standing atop the other to make 5'11.

There is a guy who's been pretending to be him for YEARS, scamming trying to sell used clothes autographed pix, he has several accounts. He uses face apps to try and make SK's OLD PIX look new or different changing hair adding beards glasses etc it's very lame lol. Pretty sure THIS is him or another like him.
*IF SK came back and was scorting it would be BIG news AND on a legit site, this site is the National Inquirer of escort sites.
