Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room

I've always said who gives a fuck what people do on their own time or what not, like a teacher having a OF page who cares let them do whatever they want on their own time it's no one else's business,but this is essentially a teacher having sex in their classroom pretty much inexcusable just can't do it IMO
According to Georg's LinkedIn he's just studying abroad for a semester (Aug. to Dec.) at George Washington University while getting his masters at Hertie School in Berlin. So that checks out the "german sausage" description that Aidan provided.

Lucky Georg gets to fly back to Berlin this month where no one will be any the wiser the political scandal he contributed to in the US!
It does piss me off that conservatives are weaponizing this so much. They’re tearing the twink apart on twitter. People should be free to do what they want online in their own time if they aren’t harming anyone, like the judge. The staffer fucked up by doing it where he did it tho but we can’t deny that he’s porn career is about to blow up lol. Whether that’s good or bad.
They should weaponize away! And this behavior should be very harshly dealt with (termination, fines, sex offender registry, etc.). When you work as a civil servant, national security trumps your self expression for a reason. This dude made a shameful video with a foreign national in a closed area of the US Capitol. If this had not been released and this guy continued to build a political career, something like this could easily become blackmail material to hold over his head and sway policy. This stuff is potentially serious.