Sergey Moroz

Post or don't post. I don't really see what the problem is in a group/community that is about sharing though. There seem to be quite a few people who delight in telling everyone that they have exclusive material.. whatever it may be. The more people say they want it, the more pleasure they take in saying "I have loads of stuff".. and never sharing it. (except in DM - if you have any thing too offer in return, of course.)

I just don't see the point in even mentioning they have it if they aren't going to share it. They may have paid a fortune for it, and don't want others to get for free what they had to pay for - and that seems reasonable, to me. Others get absolutely incandescent with rage and frustration when people do this.. and voila - we have conflict (or, i guess 'excitement and drama'.)

I would love all this 'carefully curated content' that no on else in the world has.... but i aint gonna suffer an aneurism over it.

BTW: I have Sergey naked and being muscle worshiped he made a while ago; I have a 'leaked' webcam clip of a certain Mr Pratt, too..... and doncha y'all just drool over the idea... go on fight for it... make me feel special....

<that was satire, btw - i have none of those things>

lets just be nice to each other - life's too short for engineered dramas.

o_Op0rn is sers buizness ok
what? no, i've had the video forever and just never traded it out or posted it cause it was pretty exclusive and nobody else has it lol
Wanna dm me on here and we can trade content? I have several things on Andrey and Sergey
There's a picture in his brother's thread of both of them in black jockstraps together that bulge heavily and can barely hold their horse cocks.i think it would pertain here too.
Oh and word on the street is that Sergeys dick is 22 cms and Andreys dick is 20 cms.