Video sex scenes from movies/tv series with male full frontals


Expert Member
Apr 18, 2024
it seems like female frontal nudity is in almost every other movie or show but male frontal nudity is very very rare, so looking for hot scenes (videos) from movies or tv shows/series (straight or gay any) which show male full frontal nudity during sex scenes.. some examples below.. please post videos if you know of more such scenes. i see there are many threads for sex scenes but no specific thread for sex scenes with male full frontals so starting it here..Merci.
Hunting Season Season 2 Episode 3 see at 6:20
it seems like female frontal nudity is in almost every other movie or show but male frontal nudity is very very rare, so looking for hot scenes (videos) from movies or tv shows/series (straight or gay any) which show male full frontal nudity during sex scenes.. some examples below.. please post videos if you know of more such scenes. i see there are many threads for sex scenes but no specific thread for sex scenes with male full frontals so starting it here..Merci.
Hunting Season Season 2 Episode 3 see at 6:20
wondering why its a mystery? movies have been driven by males viewers who like tolook at women nude. you are asking for more, need a big audience to drive ratings and viola
wondering why its a mystery? movies have been driven by males viewers who like tolook at women nude. you are asking for more, need a big audience to drive ratings and viola
its quite interesting as in my opinion women also watch these movies. and although i can't speak for women but just considering the law of attraction towards opposites, i am pretty sure they would like to see more male nudity as well. for me, i am talking about balanced and equality approach towards nudity for both men n women, as we as a society are moving towards equality in all other aspects of life..
Str8 women don't seem to have the same insecurity about seeing a naked female as men do. American society have made str8 men so afraid to even want to look at another male.
Society? I'm not so sure about that. Media simply tends to cater to the heterosexual "male gaze" more since the most of the top positions of Hollywood (directors, writers, producers) are straight men, therefore portraying women in a sexualized manner is just more frequent because of this fact. Straight men don't want to see naked men (on average), for what should be obvious reasons.
Society? I'm not so sure about that. Media simply tends to cater to the heterosexual "male gaze" more since the most of the top positions of Hollywood (directors, writers, producers) are straight men, therefore portraying women in a sexualized manner is just more frequent because of this fact. Straight men don't want to see naked men (on average), for what should be obvious reasons.
Im looking at this -using semiotic male gaze talk, like you are caught in Disneyland yourself. You assume the directors are directing this, the producers intentionally producing it- its the viewers too- everyone is inside of Disney in the world that has been built for them. in the old regime, now changing, women sexuality was controlled and they were taught, and people still believe -even often them- they do not want to see naked men , and if they are nude, its a butt, not a full hard on dripping penis. no way. those studies from those mythical (rumor or real?) 70s where women were shown porn and claimed it did nothing for them, but their physiologic monitors argued otherwise. There is not a market for male nudes that is worth pain of the back lash, but there could be. My suspicion is that the directors etc are respecting female prudence and few females are going to publicaly call for i at this point and time.
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