Sexy Man of Fashion - The hot Reality Show (Interactive)


Cherished Member
Nov 5, 2020
Puebla, Estado de Puebla, MX
69% Gay, 31% Straight
This is an interactive story. At the end of each chapter, you will be able to vote for your favorite contestant and for your least favorite, with the results affecting the story.

Chapter 0

Since the absolute success of their competitor’s reality show involving hot men, Channel 13 decided they wanted a successful reality show too. That´s why they announced repeatedly their new show “Sexy Man of Fashion”. Since they wanted to bypass the censors, they classified it as “reality tv about fashion”, which may involve a little bit of nudity but in an “artsy and classy way”, but of course after watching their competitor’s show, everyone knew this would be a spectacle of cocks and depravation too. When they announced the castings all around the country people went crazy, a lot of fashion enthusiast applied receiving a record number of applications (specially for a Chanel 13 production).

Now, only four weeks after the end of castings I’m here in front of my tv, ready to watch the premier of the show. Of course it’s 10 pm, even when they are not explicit about it they can´t hide the fact that this will be a really sleazy tv show, and my horny ass is here for it. After a couple of their sponsor’s advertisements, the show finally starts.

The lights turn on at a Tuscany style tv set (of course with the characteristic cheap appearance of channel 13). In the middle of the room there is a man in a fancy suit standing still, when the camera turns to him, we discover it´s Homer, a mature man and famous tv host of Channel 13.

“Ladies and gentleman, please be welcome to Sexy Man of fashion, where you will decide who is the hottest fashion enthusiast of this country.” he said excited. “On today’s big premier you will get to know the four hotties… I mean, fashion enthusiast who will compete for the prize of one million dollars” the prerecorded audience cheered. “Every episode you will vote for your favorite contestant of the night, with the winner getting a golden star (that will take him closer to victory), and the looser getting a Void Star (Three void stars and you´re out). But enough chattery already, let´s welcome our first contestant: Jordi”

Then the background wall of the set splits, letting in a handsome young man walking towards Homer. He was a handsome man with ginger curly hair, brown thick eyebrows, brown eyes, fair skin, big pink lips and a cute smile. He was a little tall and so fit. He was wearing a pair of blue slightly ripped skinny jeans that contained his big muscled thighs and round butt, some white sneakers, and a half opened with shirt that lets us see the hair between his big pecs.

“Well Jordi, feel free to briefly present yourself” says Homer. “Well, my name is Jordi and I´m 25. I´m from Pennsylvania, I´m a personal trainer. I´m single, and I would like to win this competition to open my own Gym.” He winked to the camera. “Well, however you win or not, I’m sure you won’t be single anymore after the show” said Homer while admiring Jordi´s legs. Jordi went and took a seat at one of the pair of red velvet sofas that were in the back. “Now it´s time to welcome our next contestant, Sam” Homer shouted.

Then a really cute young man entered the set, strutting towards Homer. He was a pretty boy with beautiful caramel short hair styled to the side, shining hazel eyes that combined with his tanned skin, beautiful clear skin, and glossy pink lips. He wasn´t really tall but he had an amazing wasp body, with a really tiny little waist, and a big round firm butt. He was wearing a pair of white sneakers with some long socks, a fairly short pair of pink shorts, and a beautiful pastel blue polo shirt, everything fitting perfectly to his body.

“Hello my name is Sam and I´m 19 years old” he had a beautiful voice “I´m from LA and I love modeling. Of course, I´m not a catwalk model because of my height, but fortunately I prefer photoshoots and being in front of the cameras” he winked at the camera too “I would like to win this competition because I would love to travel around the world and get to know new people and cultures”. “Well, if you keep being this charming you have a high chance to win,” said Homer. Sam, went to take a sit to the sofa Next to Jordi. “Now let´s welcome our next contestant: Elias” chanted Homer.

A serious but handsome mature man entered the set. He was a hairy man with really dark black curly hair, green eyes, beautiful lips, olive skin and a really sexy moustache. He wasn´t tall or short but he looked really fit despite his age. He was wearing a pair of black leather shoes and well fitted elegant grey suit without a shirt, letting us see his really hairy sexy chest with a golden chain around his neck.

“Hello ma name is Elias and I’m 47 years old. I´ve lived almost all my life in Oregon, and I am a business man, however I´ve been interested in fashion way before a lot of the other contestants were born. I don’t want to win this competition for the money, I want to win it for the fashion”. Despite him being a little superb, I found this daddy really sexy. “Well, you really know a lot about fashion” said homer looking at Elias chest. “Now let´s welcome Diego”

Then a handsome young Latino entered the room. He had beautiful shoulder length long black hair. He had sexy thick eyebrows, deep black eyes, brown skin, thick lips, a beautiful nose, and a gorgeous smile. He was average heigh and he may not be too thick or muscled, but his arms and his legs are toned as fuck. He was wearing skinny gray jean shorts, a pair of brown fancy sandals, a tight black tank top, and a silver chain around his neck.

“Hi, my name is Diego and I´m 27-year-old” he had a beautiful accent “I’m actually from Mexico, but two years ago I moved to Houston, Texas. I’m a Chef and I used to have a restaurant, but when I moved, I had to sell it, so the last two years I’ve been working as a Gogo dancer. I want to win this competition so I can return to the cooking business”. Omg, I really would like to go to one of this Gogo shows, I would love to see his sexy body dancing in tiny clothing. Diego went to sit in the second sofa with Elias. “Now that you know about our four hotties let´s review the rules of the competition”

“These four guys will be locked together in a luxurious apartment with hidden cameras everywhere (and a gym and a pool at the terrace so they can maintain their sexy bodies) until we have a final winner. Every episode there will be a new fashion challenge, where they will have to build and model a sexy outfit following a certain theme each time. In the time between episodes, they will have to learn to live together sharing bedroom and house appliances while they also prepare for the next challenge. They can online order all the clothing, fabric or accessories they need for the challenges. The only rule is that they can´t put on the full outfits before they premiere them on each episode. The only time they are allowed to leave the apartment will be when they go to the roof garden of the building to present and model their outfit in the showroom that we built for them”. Explained Homer. “Remember to vote for your favorite so they can win a golden star, and they don’t risk getting a void star”.

“So, guys this is the last time we will see before your first challenge, which theme will be about: occupations. You will have to build your outfit for the next episode around an occupation. Now get those sexy asses up the sofas, and get into the van that´s going to take you to your new home. All your personal stuff is waiting for you already there” The contestants walked through the splitted walls again, disappearing behind the set. “And for you people at home, don´t forget to tune into the next episode of Sexy Man of Fashion, to see these hotties in action. Have a good night”

And like that the end credits started to roll. I honestly was expecting more skin and sexiness but this was only the premier. I´m sure we will se a lot more of the guys in the actual lockdown and competition. I would not normally follow reality Tv, but damn I really wanted to see everything about these guys.

And that’s how the chapter 0 ends. I really hope you like it, and like our horny narrator says, when we start the actual competition, we will see a lot more of these guys secrets. But for now, it´s time for you to vote for your favorite contestant. Remember that your vote will determine how the story will progress in the next chapter.

I really hope you like this story; I will be reading you ;)
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Thank you all so much for your comments. I started writing the next chapter so you’ll be able to read it soon! If you haven’t voted yet for your favorite hottie, you can still do it! Just write a comment with his name ;)

This is an interactive story. At the end of each chapter, you will be able to vote for your favorite contestant, with the results affecting the story.

Chapter 1

So here I am again in front of my TV ready to watch the first episode of Sexy Man of Fashion after the Premiere. That premiere was a little too conservative for me, I really wanted to see more skin and sexiness. However, I was not the only one. A lot of people on twitter were complaining about it too. I guess that after seeing all the lustfulness of the Channel 13’s competitor reality, people wanted to see something like that too. And of course, I agree with them.

After some messages of the sponsors, we finally get to the beginning of the episode. The episode opens with a full panoramic of the luxurious apartment they will be locked in. It’s a beautiful not so big open concept place with high end furniture and appliances. They had a big tv at the living room, a gorgeous round glass dining table, a really cool and modern black kitchen, and a wall-to-wall glass door that led to the terrace. I was really surprised by this good taste decoration on a Channel 13 production, but of course it wasn’t perfect. I despised that ugly cheap carpet on all the floors of the place.

The terrace was really standard but pretty. It had a pretty small swimming pool, a synthetic grass area to take the sun, and some Gym appliances under an acrylic roof. The bathroom was a really big and fancy one (thank God they didn’t put carpet there), of course it look like it was modified to accommodate to the show needs. It had two gorgeous marble sinks, two toilets enclosed on black acrylic stalls, and the most interesting part, a really big ceiling rain shower. This weird and abnormally big size for a shower of course was made on purpose. That shower could easily accommodate tree people showering at the same time (and four if they didn’t mind some physical contact). Then they preceded to show us the last room at the house, the bedroom. It was a really big room with two twin beds on each side; one per contestant. They also had a bedside table between the beds of each side. And a huge closet divided in four segments with the name of each contestant at the end of the room. This place looked less luxurious and took a more soft and simple decoration. However, I couldn’t wait to see all the things that would happen there.

After they show us the apartment the main door finally opens. The four contestants enter the living room each one with a square navy-blue suitcase (they were only allowed to bring the essentials), they all look mesmerized with the luxury except from Elias, who looks calm and used to this kind of environments. Then an elegant female voice comes from a hidden speaker “guys, you’ll be able to enjoy all the apartment later, but for now you’ll have to install yourselves and your personal belongings. Go to the end of the corridor”.

The guys walk towards that direction. Then Jordi opens the door finding out that they all will have to share a bedroom. Jordi and Sam obey and do what the voice said, starting to unpack their belongings and putting them in their respective drawers and closets. However, Diego and Elias don’t seem so enthusiastic. After a brief moment of silence Diego finally said “are we all really going to share a bedroom?”. “What’s wrong about it, we will become really good buddies” answered Jordi enthusiastic. “Yeah, after all this is a show, they want us to interact” added Sam. “I agree with Diego, it’s such a shame that we have to share a room. This feels so cheap and classless, I really appreciate my intimacy and privacy” said Elias “But yeah, the twink is also right. After all this is a show”. “What is a twink?” asked Jordi. Diego ignored him and continued to complain “But, no I don’t want to share a room! Like Elias said, where is our privacy? I don’t like this; this is not fair”. “Well, you like it or not, we will have to do this” replied Sam. “But… well I don’t… ah it´s okay” answered Diego clearly mad about this.

After the guys finished unpacking, they decided to claim their beds. Since Sam an Elias wanted the beds closer to the window, they quickly claimed the parallel beds on the left wall, leaving Diego and Jordi with the beds of the right wall, closer to the door. Then they went to the kitchen to have dinner. When they finished, new instructions came out of the hidden speaker.

“Well guys, is nice to see that you’re all getting along. Now, it’s time to have a good rest. Tomorrow you will get prepared, ordering clothes, fabric and accessories for your first fashion challenge “occupations”. Have a good night”.

After that scene, we cut to the guys preparing to go to sleep at the bedroom except from Elias. Then he enters the rooms wearing something that looks too fancy. “Omg why are you wearing a suit for sleep?” Sam asks mockingly. “It’s not a suit, it’s my Versace Barocco pajamas” Elias answers upset “Some of us are true fashion enthusiasts”. “And some of us just prefer to enjoy life sleeping in comfortable underwear” says Sam in that mocking voice. “Yeah buddy, it’s comfier that way” adds Jordi. And in fact, they are both standing there in just their underwear. Jordi is only wearing some gray calving Klein trunks, with his bulge looking round and heavy as fuck, kind of stretching the fabric a little. On the other hand, Sam is wearing a small pastel pink Lycra hip brief that is struggling to cover his ass, leaving almost half of his round buttocks out of the garment. Meanwhile, Diego is wearing a more traditional pair of classic red boxers. He still looks a little upset, trying to ignore all that sleepwear chat. They finally get into their beds to sleep.

Then we see the guys later in the night all sleeping except from Diego, who is walking in circles next to his bed, causing Jordi to wake from his sleep. Jordi turns on the lamp on the bedside table to see what is happening. “Diego what’s wrong” asks Jordi while sitting on the edge of his bed. “Nothing man, don’t worry”. “Oh, come on, you can speak to me” insist Jordi with a smile. After doubting it a little, Diego sits on his bed in front of Jordi to talk “Well… it’s just that… I cannot sleep clothed”. “What?” asks Jordi confused. “Yeah, since I was younger, I can only sleep naked. That’s why I didn’t want to share bedroom. I tried to sleep with these boxers today, but I just can’t fall asleep”. “So, take them off to sleep”. “Oh no I can’t do that; I’m sharing room with you guys. I’m shy”. “Oh, don’t worry about us Diego, it’s important for you to rest well” answered Jordi. “Yeah but…”. “Let’s do this. I will take off my boxers so you don’t feel shy for being the only one sleeping naked” suggests Jordi. “Would you really do that?” answers Diego”. “Of course that’s what buddies are for”. “Ok then”.

Diego proceeded to take of his boxers. Because he knew that there were a lot of hidden cameras, he wanted to be really cautious; so, he decided to cover his genitals with his hand all the time until he got into the bed. Even when we could not see a lot, we definitely could see his sexy happy trail leading to his big and dark gorgeous bush. He was hairy has fuck down there (which of course made me really horny, I really wanted to be there and sniff it). Then, when it was time of Jordi to do his part, he wasn’t as cautious as Diego. He also grabbed his cock to cover it completely, but when he started to take his boxer off, he forgot that his balls were still completely visible. He literally was only covering his cock, leaving his balls completely out of his hand. So, during this whole process of talking off the trunks and getting into his bed, we could see his big heavy balls low hanging, bouncing and dangling all the time, in a way that was almost hypnotizing. Those balls looked heavy as fuck (I assume they were full of semen for the heavy weight they had), and this hunk wasn’t even aware they were fully visible, because he thought that covering his cock was enough. After getting into the bed, he turned the light off to sleep.

Then we see a collage of quick clips of these guys doing things in the morning: cooking, having breakfast, making their beds, showering (sadly just face close ups), etc. Then we see the guys ordering clothes in a sponsored app, and finally receiving their orders after an hour. After that, we see the guys working on their outfits at separate parts of the apartment, but from an angle where we can’t see the actual garment. Then after a boring chat about fashion between Sam and Elias, the show goes to commercial break.

When the show came back, it appeared that it was now at the roof garden of the building. A Live icon appeared at the top right part of the screen. There was a beautiful white runway in the middle. Behind this, there were four white party tents white vinyl walls; these functioning as the contestant’s dressing rooms. In another area, next to some beautiful plants and flowers, there was a beautiful lounge with the same red velvet couches from the premiere, and an elegant silver velvet armchair between them.

Then Homer, the famous tv host appears from the runway. “Ladies and gentlemen, please be welcome to the first fashion challenge of Sexy Man of Fashion, where our four hotties will compete to demonstrate who has the best sexy outfit. As we will follow the same order that when we first presented the competitors, please welcome Jordi the lumberjack”

From the back of the runway appeared Jordi walking confidently. He was wearing an unbuttoned red and black squared shirt, showing off his really big hairy pecs and sexy abs. On the neck he had a silver chain with a little silver axe tied. On the bottom he was wearing a brown leather belt combined with a pair of brown boots, high white socks, and a pair of tight blue jean slutty shorts that looked like they have been cut to make them even shorter. The shorts had a lot of horizontal cuts that looked like axe made, and showed off that Jordi was clearly not wearing any underwear. Sadly, these cuts were carefully placed to not reveal any sensitive part on the front, however, in the back you could see parts of his huge hairy ass (that almost looked like it was going to rip the shorts appart.

“Now please welcome Sam the lifeguard”

Sam appeared strutting really stylish on the runway (of course, he is a model). He was wearing nothing but a sea shell choker around his neck, and a tiny red swimming thong. When he turned around, I was so fucking pleased with the view. Seeing that round and big ass of him under his tiny waist strutting in just a thong was so fucking delicious, even hotter with the evident tan lines he has. The way that ass bounced and moved was hypnotizing and begging me to fuck him right there. However, even though my dick was enjoying seeing that boy so confident while having his delicious butt out, I thought that he chose an awful outfit (in the terms of fashion). It was so plain and boring. You couldn’t even tell he was a lifeguard at all. When he went and sit next to Jordi at the velvet couch, knowing that he would be sitting all night there wearing just a thong was something that made me even more horny.

“Let’s welcome Elias, our federal intelligence agent”

Elias appeared on the runway wearing what appeared to be a really sexy full black spandex bodysuit. He was wearing black sneakers and a Gucci belt around his waist (it had to be fake, there’s no way Channel 13 would have pay for that). He was also wearing mirror sunglasses. The outfit didn’t appear so sexy apart from how tight it was, showing off his toned body and not so shy thick bulge. But then he unlocked his Gucci belt letting it fall to the floor, and started to move down the zipper in the middle of his suit, showing his sweaty body underneath. As the suit was unzipping first, we saw his really hairy chest, then it was time for his hairy abs, now we were seeing his thick happy trail, then I couldn’t believe we were watching him slowly showing us more and more of his thick as fuck bush. When I was almost sure that he was going to start showing us the base of his cock he stopped. He moved the zipper back to the height of his abs, and went to sit on the couch. I felt disappointed because he stopped at the best part.

“And last but not least, let’s welcome Diego the Chef”

Diego got in the runway to start to walk in a very sexy way. He was wearing a chef hat, a black Lycra speedo, and a white apron tied to his neck and his waist that sadly covered almost all his front. However, we could still see his toned chest and arms in a very sexy way. Then he suddenly took a small knife out of his brief, and started to cut the upper ties of the apron, making it fall an showing us his fit hot torso. He then turned around showing us all his toned gorgeous back, and fit legs. Sadly, that small but sexy ass was covered by the brief, but you could still tell it was really firm and round under the fabric.

“Well now that we’ve seen our four hotties present their outfit, it’s time for you at home to vote for your favorite one” said Homer while sitting on the silver chair, with the guys on the sofas by his sides. “The results will be announced after the ad break, so hurry up!”

After an ad break that almost felt eternal, we were back to the show. The guys seemed nervous while sitting on those velvet couches.

“Well, the voting is closed now, so now it’s time to see who will get the first golden and void star of the show” Announced Homer. “Well, the winner, not really, of the first void star of the show, remember at home that getting three void stars gets you disqualified, will be… Sam”

Sam looked a little sad and disappointed at first, but he recovered quickly, pretending that everything was fine. “I´m so sorry Sam, but a lot of people was talking online about how your outfit was barely an outfit. People think that it was quite lazy, barely following the theme, that’s why you were the least voted. How do you feel right now? Asked Homer in a really kind tone. Then Sam, instead of standing up and walking to take the microphone from homer, he crawled in the couch towards Homer, giving us a full view of his big round butt in that sexy red thong. Omg, that little slut was doing it on purpose and he knew what he was doing. After taking the microphone he sat down again. “Well Homer, I think you’re right. I may have get too invested into the sexy, and less on the fashion. Thank you so much people at home for your feedback, I promise to put a lot more effort on my next outfits. Love you.” Then he crawled again on the couch, this time even arching his back while handing the microphone back to homer. Omg, we weren’t able to see his hole by just a little piece of fabric.

“And now, the real winner of the night, the winner of the golden star, the sexy man of fashion of today. Let’s congratulate our hottie… Jordi” Acclaimed Homer.

Jordi looked really happy and excited about it, like a golden retriever in the body of a ginger hunk. “People at home totally loved your outfit, how are you feeling right now? what inspired you to choose that outfit?”. “Well, I’m so happy to know that I won today, I can’t believe it. I chose to be a lumberjack because where I grew up there are a lot of forests, so I wanted to represent that with my outfit. Originally, I was going to wear longer shorts, but Sam dared me to cut them shorter; I wasn´t sure about that but I decided to do it. When I was cutting the shorts shorter, I accidentally cut them in the wrong place making a hole on the shorts, so I decided to cut more of those holes so it would look more symmetric. At the end it turned out good, Sam told me they look like axe cuts. However, I almost made a big mistake. I got so excited cutting, that I almost forgot that I had to leave some places… decent. Fortunately, Diego remembered me to be careful with the places I cut. Unfortunately, I already had cut all the back at that point, so that’s why you can see parts of my butt. Sorry, my bad. And, sorry for talking this much, I’m just so excited about this. Thank you so much for voting for me.” Said Jordi while cutely smiling to the camera.

“Well, Jordi may be a man of minimal clothes but not a man of minimal words. I think we all agree that he should be less cautious with the scissors next time. Thank you all for watching this episode of Sexy Man of Fashion. See y’all in the next episode, where the next challenge will be… The Four Elements!” said Homer. Then the ending credits started to roll while we saw Jordi standing up and turning around to give us a final view of his outfit. Damn I love those big thighs he has, definitely cutting the shorts shorter was the right decision”.

I really liked today’s episode; it was way sexier than the premiere. However, I really hope they keep getting even sexier.

Well, that was chapter one of sexy man of fashion. Please let me know what do you think about it. Remember that with a new chapter, comes a new voting, so please don’t forget to vote for your favorite of this chapter. The results will affect the next parts of this story.

I’m happy to read y’all, thanks for all the support.
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Now, a new round of voting has just begun. You have to write a comment telling who was your favorite hottie from this episode. You can either vote again for your past favorite hottie, or you can choose a new favorite. Feel free to choose!

Your votes will dictate how the story keeps developing ;)


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I still go for Jordi and do you have some pics from them on the first day? So curios how they look like kkk
Thanks for alll your support and comments.

Unfortunately I don’t know how to recreate de clothing and aspects visually. I just made those images for reference, but I don’t know how to make ones with the outfits on. I just created the outfits from imagination.
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