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Who is this guy?! that is the hottest body and most amazing cumshot!!! I wish he was jizzing in me!!
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The one who delete you if he suspect you are a 'gay' follower?.
In general russian people (women and men) are pretty conservative as society... so they don't like gay people in general. You can find some people more educated or cosmopolitan, specially in big city like S. Petersburg or Moscow, but in other places like small town o countryside where people is very homophobic.
Same situation happens in USA too....well maybe in many other countries too
It's a sad.. and I hope this world keep walking to a more open mind world with tolerance
At least all we are human... nothing more
In general russian people (women and men) are pretty conservative as society... so they don't like gay people in general. You can find some people more educated or cosmopolitan, specially in big city like S. Petersburg or Moscow, but in other places like small town o countryside where people is very homophobic.
Same situation happens in USA too....well maybe in many other countries too
It's a sad.. and I hope this world keep walking to a more open mind world with tolerance
At least all we are human... nothing more
But as I observed many of the webcamers and male escorts in the various popular websites are Russian bodybuilders and physique competitors. Quite a double standards. At least in the United States and many other countries at least their are legal marriage equality and some other legal protections. As well as some visibility and representation in media and politics.
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У кого-то есть видео с Zavolskij/Incomparabllle? Киньте в личку, пожалуйста :*
But as I observed many of the webcamers and male escorts in the various popular websites are Russian bodybuilders and physique competitors. Quite a double standards. At least in the United States and many other countries at least their are legal marriage equality and some other legal protections. As well as some visibility and representation in media and politics.
Agree my friends... I think this big east country (Russian) is still on changing about values and dogmas about what mean sexuality on human being... it exists a big resistance but little by little they will accept The Tolerance and respect on diversity.
Great weekend